Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama versus the Pope

Freepers love them some Catholic church. Authoritarian, socially conservative, beleaguered by the MSM. The latest allegations about the current Pope covering up pedophile priests? All Obama's doing!

If Rahm can take out a pope, he can do anything.

I can just see the smug looks on their faces...
This makes me sick to my stomach. The powerful Church liberals - all Obamamites, such as many bishops and the awful “theologian” that is currently the ambassador to the Vatican - are probably behind this at least as much as Rahm.

If the Pope is replaced I will wager he will be a Pope for all people in other words, a Muslim.

So the newspaper of Henry VIII's church starts spreading rumors that the Pope is going to resign, and talks about Pius VII writing a letter saying that "if he were to be kidnapped by the Nazis he was to be considered to have resigned, and a successor should be chosen."

Hmmmm... I can see the connection. Does the BBC have some insider information that maybe somebody wants to kidnap the Pope? If so, why are they keeping it to themselves?

Anybody see the timing strange of these charges the same week when a pro abortion healthcare bill went into law?

Bedford Forrest
The Kenyan muslim ghetto punkboy had better be careful about sliming anyone - much less the Holy Father - with pedophilia trash. After all, Mossad and others may be presumed to have lots of very damaging information about the long, consensual relationship between the Kenyan muslim ghetto punkboy and his mentor in pedophilia and marxist psychobabble, Frank Marshall Davis.

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