Monday, January 12, 2009

Capitalism, Pravda-style!

So much for red-baiting, Freepers love Pravda. You'd think the fact that only Pravda agrees with them might be a clue....

Pravda (???) Says Earth Entering Ice Age

Carl from Marietta

Are you sure there aren’t good reasons for trusting this source over any MSM publication in this country?
My money’s on Pravda being closer to the truth than the N.Y. Times, anyday.

Obama: Deceiver, Cheat, Swindler, Liar, Fraudster, Con Artist (SO SAYS PRAVDA!)
Pretty sad when Pravda is publishing the truth (along with The Globe) while every news outlet in America is shilling for Obama.

The Mysterious Shadow: Code Name Obama (Pravda Again!)
Amazing. Formerly communist propaganda arm Pravda continues to do better reporting on Obama than our own supposedly free media. Click it to read and show support for continuing to report on this issue.

Barack, The Amazing Mr. Obama (PRAVDA GETS IT!)
El Cid
And the 'Soviet Union' (ok, 'Russia'), is becoming more capitalist, as we become more socialist...Their mainstream press is more objective, and apt to report facts vs pushing agenda, than our mainstream press.Seems like we are two ships passing each other going in the opposite direction.Eh, at least we don't live in a big icebox like they do...

Pravda raises Obama eligibility issue
Hahahahha. Pravda turns on one of their own.........

Keep on posting this stuff Pravda. Who needs evidence? Freepers will keep saying they're surprised how much they agree with you till the cows come home. And you get to cash the checks. It's Capitalism, Pravda-style!


  1. Yes, I do know how Neo-Conservativism started with Trotsky.

  2. funny how quickly freepers forget, pravda was at the top of their hatred list about 3 months ago for calling their new messiah Sarah Palin a "worthless bag of hair"

    so blinded by their hatred, they don't even realize they're being played for fools
