Friday, September 4, 2009

Finger biting fascists!

So there was a scuffle between pro and anti-health care people, and when the dust settled one guy was sans-finger. Freepers are pretty eager to impute this to all liberals everywhere and draw appropriate conclusions:

LibWhacker sees gayness:
Figures. Sissy leftists bite. Hope the old guy doesn't get AIDS.
machogirl goes straight to conspiracy mode:

heck of a bite. wonder if it was staged (dems will do anything for their leader, even cut off their own finger) semi-satire alert

semi-satire alert, eh? Well, alright then.

Ghost of Philip Marlowe is excited about this.
brass knuckles. Anything.

If that’s the way they want it. We can play dirty.

And martial law won’t stop a damn thing of that’s the plan of the Commie in Chief.

Watch out, people! Freepers have threatened for the thousandth time to get violent!

sees it as a Red Dawn type underdog situation:

Judging by the picture and the account, the Obama thugs had the real Americans outnumbered about 25 to 1. No wonder they felt so bold.

Wow, real Americans sure seem rare! I wonder where the other people live?

floriduh voter has some conclusions to draw:

Well, Obama pays some of his thugs $600.00. That buys a lot of crack. How many druggies are working for Barack Obama’s thugocracy????? Keep them high and they’re obedient to a fault.

a fool in paradise is all about the legal theories:

RICO laws may be applicable. The goons are trying to shut down private insurance and medical care. There lies the commerical interest for the racketeering charge.

The First Amendment, on the other hand, only applies to real Americans.

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