Friday, August 6, 2010

Kagan again.

So Kagan is finally confirmed. I hope you like rewarmed fringe talking points!

reminds us she is evil.

Mark my words, she is evil. May Satan take one of his own to H*ll where she belongs.

wendy1946 reminds us she is ugly.

There actually IS a point beyond which you can judge a book by its cover easily enough and Kagen is well past that point, she looks like a little pig.

mattdono reminds us she is fat:

I hope she keeps putting on weight.


Col Frank Slade reminds us about Bork.
Compare the resistance Kagan faced from GOP Senators to the treatment of Robert Bork by liberal Senate Dems.

Problem defined.
You wold almost think Roberts and Alito never happened.

null and void reminds us Freepers are paranoid crazies:
*sigh* I wouldn't be surprised if we have a Reichstag fire killing off most of the Supreme court. (Curiously enough, all the liberals were elsewhere when the fatal fire broke out)...
kenmcg just mashes up everything bad:

Chalk one up for Sharia Law!!! This goes along with the Mosque at ground zero. A gay judge overturns 7m voters in CA. The Feds. sue the State of AZ. for securing its borders.Unemployment in the toilet while the gov’t spends billions to shore up blue state governments and their union buddies, and on ...and on. Something says its getting awfully late in the USA!

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea where wingnut fringers got the idea Kagan was for Sharia law.
