Thursday, March 3, 2011

And Now This Word from Outer Space

This is what the Sane Freepers believe edition:

JDW11235 :

5%: The true patriots who will put their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor on the line to ensure freedom prevails. They’ll step up to the plate first.

10%: Will join in as soon as the first 5% stand up for something, often these include those with families who will not be the first to risk all, but still want the same things. They’re in essence looking for a leader.

20%: Want moral, free lives, but generally see themselves as unable to do anything besides plug along and care for their families, and they will join in the cause of freedom one they see things going on around them, remember the media, et al. are really trying to mask everything that is going on. These, throughout history have been the turning point in making a stand (or so I believe).

30%: Could care less about what’s going on, but just want to make it through life without having to worry about what’s going on. These are the oblivious.

20%: These are the parasite class. In essence, they are those who will repeatedly support someone who promises them a life of ease. They strive for little to nothing, and get such, but support (by vote or otherwise) those who would take from others to give to them.

10%: These are the theorists, who are the useful idiots of the bottom 5%. They are the right hand henchmen and actively seek to subvert the society in which they live, and others if they can, to bring about dictatorships and oligarchies, in order the get higher up on the pecking order. They’re the union officials, etc. They do what their task/puppet masters want, in order to become more relevant and revered, because they’ve not done anything worthwhile to achieve it.

(Note: The bottom most category, is probably a little smaller, and a percent or two should probably be moved up to the 10%, but this is for simplicity’s sake).

5%: These are the through and through “liberals,” actually wanna be dictators. They essentially try and get the above 10-12% to agitate the 20% of moochers to overthrow the patriots. They use subversion and a slow creep to do so, banking on the fact that 50% of the population in essences wants to be left alone, and that they have 20% on their side, willing to support them in exchange for bread and circuses.
Mainstream Freeper philosophy encapsulated by JDW11235 (I think I got it now!)

1 comment:

  1. Yep, Freepers are the good guys and liberals are evil incarnate! No need for them to think beyond that simplistic viewpoint, is there?
