Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Freepers hate Firefighters

Now that police and firefighters are standing with the Union dudes in Wisconson, suddenly they hate police and firefighters:

Scythian simply rewrites the simple stereotype he had formed after 9-11 with a newer, more hostile one!
I remember that great feeling I had towards Fireman and Policeman after 911 .... GONE, TO ME NOW EVERYTIME I SEE ONE OF THEM I THINK UNION THUG.
bert thinks the idea of solidarity is a Communist myth!
If one is in danger, all are in danger. Union Branwashing 101
SpaceBar wants to make a list!
How about photographing these low-life cops marching with their marxist brethren for later identification.
listenhillary has a plan that is sure to work super well:
I wonder what Blackwater would charge to provide security and fire services?
ecomcon thinks it's time for vigilantes in Wisconson!
So, the cops are on strike? Sounds like two things to me.

1. Fear.

2. Open season on criminals, as there is no reasonable expectation that the cops are going to respond. Vigilantism and “community organizing”.
ratsreek knows what unions are kind of like:
The unions are kind of like Al Queda recruiters. They indoctrinate hatred in their membership. It never enters their thick, dense, greedy minds that THERE ISN’T ANYMORE!!

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