Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jungle Justice

There was an alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old in Texas. Freepers are never one to let a tragedy go to waste, and feed the travesty into their narratives. Prepare for racism and torture fantasies!

Jeff Winston knows white folks don't rape:

Now how did I know that the rapists were going to be members of an “ethnic community?”
Lessthantolerant thinks even less of the African animal:

Welcome to the world of our wonderful black society.

They have no use for women except as sex toys, they have no use for morals or responsibility and are esentially the greatest cancer of society.

These animals were created in the government sponsored world of entitlement and care.

They are Parasite Nation
grey_whiskers thinks Justice Ginsberg loves gang rape:

What would Darth Vader Ginsburg make of this? Hasn't she endorsed lowering the age of consent to 12?
What's a couple of months difference, eh, Ruth?
txhurl sees this at work every day:

Satan is walking the earth now. Jungle ROE.

I see it at work everyday now.

I never thought I’d see this.
Jeez, I hope he's not a cop.

I try not to assume racism, but jungle does appear a second time in this thread.

Diogenesis knows the wouldn't happen when Bush was Prez:
This is Holder’s and Obama’s Amerika.
Where terrorists roam free and
Americans are genitally groped at will by the government.
icwhatudo has a solution to rapists:
I hope the only thing the neighborhood is divided on is whether to castrate them before hanging.
Farmer Dean hates due process:
These scum will get a trial with Texas picking up the entire cost.And they will most likely get long terms in prison.
I wonder how Texans would have handled this situation a 100 years ago?
My Favorite Headache knows rape doesn't occur in his America:
We have become Africa.
My Favorite Headache follows up with what he would do to the rapists:
I would drive to each and every single one of these bastards homes and torture them for an hour...then finish them off with a blow torch.


  1. Ozy, since you've been reading FR longer than I have, do you have any idea why they keep mentioning the "Amish" on that thread. For example, one comment said "The Texas 'Amish' are the worst." Is that supposed to be some kind of code for something?

  2. The Amish joke is because Freepers think we should be profiling. Thus, whenever something occurs that is "obviously" the work of blacks/Muslims/Mexicans they say it's the Amish to poke fun at how no one else makes any racial assumptions.

    What is amusing is when it does turn out to be a white guy. But at least he wasn't Amish!

  3. Wow. That's what I had assumed, but I had hoped that wasn't the case. Ugh.

    Thanks, Ozy.

  4. I bet it takes all of their self-control to not write "bunnies" after "jungle."
