Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Liberals are the real racists

A black woman yells at Bill Ayers about school vouchers. Freepers use this to show how the real racists are their liberal nemesis:

Pearls Before Swine knows why Freepers want to keep black folks down:
The liberals agains school vouchers aren't agains blacks; they want to keep them as shock troops, and they don't want them "acting white" by getting an education. /s
hosepipe thinks blacks are going extinct:
No problems really.. black people are aborting themselves to death..
Abortion rates among american black people.. are huge...
American Black people are becoming rarer every year..

Conservative, liberal.. partly black or really black.. black americans are becoming rarer..

Except for the black hispanics being Imported.. traditional blacks in america are wiping the next generation out..
soon most american blacks will be hispanic..
sportutegrl knows liberals are totally racist. Cause she knows so many.

The rich libs send their kids to private school and they sure as heck don’t want Jr. sitting next to a black kid with a voucher. Liberals are the most racist people I know.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, because no black kid ever went to a private school. And they think blacks voting overwhelmingly Democratic has to do with getting free stuff and voting for the black president?
