“Green energy” is code for “reparations.”MrB has decided liberals are all Nietzschens.
Gaffer blames Obama for all American wars:They have one “moral” - that is the Will to Power.
Whatever advances that can be justified.
History will show that Obama is/was single-handedly responsible for creating the 21st Century Vietnam for America. I hope we don’t lose another 50,000+ because of his maniacal ego.steve86 contemplates seppuku:
I will commit suicide before I will pay that $1 mandatory monthly Obamacare fee for abortions at Planned Parenthood. It is essentially the Mark of the Beast.Alberta's Child thinks the guy who killed 16 civilians cannot be judged:
After all the bullsh!t we have seen in Iraq and Afghanistan over the course of more than 10 freakin’ years, I don’t the U.S. military has the moral authority to charge this guy with any kind of crimes.katiedidit1 knows the soldier who shot the Afghanis wasn't Muslim:
This soldier was HIGHLY DECORATED...would bet you he is NO muslim!SaraJohnson blames liberals for all the greed in Wall Street these days:
There needs to be a culture change on Wall Street. The Left and Internationalists has totally cleansed the ethics out of business.nonsporting hates Hawaii:
Hawaii is a communist state.mrsmith knows who TV advertises to:
It also has a large Mormon presence.
Dumb sluts are the most important advertizing demographic for TV and the Dem Party.stevecmd knows Tupac always had trouble with geography:
Every time I hear the Kenyan say ["Pock-I-Stohn"] that way I think of this idiot..FreeAtlanta hopes Obama gets assassinated right now:
FedsRStealingOurCountryFromUs hates all the black sistas Obama has hired:I used to think Biden was great insurance for Obama, but that changed shortly after Obama became the great American wrecking ball.
Now, I don’t think O’l Joe would be that bad for a year or less.
I am actually less interested in the Presidency as I am the purging of the Czars, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Eugenics Nazi Kathleen Sebelius, Leon Panetta, the rabid gay Generals and State Department heads, the 'Muslim outreach' fanatics at NASA, the union socialist hacks at the NLRB, the racist black 'sistas' such as Lisa Jackson (EPA) and Valerie Jarett (yes she's "black") which 0bama has installed:MestaMachine has his own version of how Rush totally won the Sandra Fluke thing:
The dems started a fake battle thinking they were on offense when what they REALLY were was OFFENSIVE. RUSH gave a war...and everybody came. Then he sat back and watched them burn their playhouse down. Strategery. Rush is still the master.himno hero has decided Bush and Cheney secretly hate Muslims:
WHO is catching all the hell now? little billy maher and oscambot. Fluke has been widely exposed for the fraud she is. pelosi looks like the nit-twit SHE is. The dems look petty and obscene. dem women look like...well, dem women. (And that ain’t pretty.) anita dunn has been exposed. And even gloria the red has crawled back out from under her rock.
Everyone now knows this was a dem planned fake setup with very little substance to it except the shrill faux outrage of it.
Rush’s leftist advertisers are losing their customers and their stocks are dipping.
I’d say Rush won the war. Big time. It was a calculated risk on his part, but calculated it was. Deliberate. And step by step, inch by inch, he beat their collective a$$.
Eventually, he will step up and explain it for those who still don’t get it.
353FMG expects soldiers returning home to hate all Muslims:Bush and Cheney were aware.
I think the problem was that the muslim world had already mobilized to demonize them and already had Obama in position to take the office. Demonization/confusion/shake Americas foundations... and it WAS overwhelming. Globally. The muslim voice spoke.
When 9/11 occurred, I think Bush wanted to hammer Islam... but was read the riot act by them of the ramifications so he sought a different program, surround Iran, the root. Not a bad compromise.
Now, Iran enjoys the cover of their man in OUR White House and those pre thought efforts are seemingly off the table..
Now we have the exact converse, Obama using America to further Islam. Look at his MB and the north Africa Caliphate. Moamar Ghadaffi? What crap!
And yes, they are encapsulating Israel.
Once Israel goes, so does western man and in the meanwhile Obama is doing everything to screw the hub, America.
We are under attack by our own White House!
Our troops will return home, and some will get flashbacks when they see the many ragheads walking around in their neighborhood.JediJones loves him some Palin:
[Palin] looked so smoking hot in that interview. The black leather jacket set the mood, the hair, makeup and glasses were the best I’ve ever seen on her, like something out of a magazine glamour ad, she looked a decade younger than she is, and she had an unflappable, intense, piercing, supermodel gaze throughout.philman_36 is a bit paranoid about all the Freeper liberals.
it's becoming easier to tell one side from the other here at FR.grumpygresh exhorts Israel to screw with American politics:
On one side you have those who keep pushing the meme of "this is nothing" and on the other side you have people saying let's look into this information some more and see else we can find out.
Bibi, please bomb Iran in August or September. You will take out two evil men.
"[Palin] looked so smoking hot in that interview. The black leather jacket set the mood, the hair, makeup and glasses were the best I’ve ever seen on her, like something out of a magazine glamour ad, she looked a decade younger than she is, and she had an unflappable, intense, piercing, supermodel gaze throughout."
ReplyDeleteI wonder how long it took him to type this with one hand?