Friday, April 6, 2012

Tough White Guys

Right Wing blogs have once again taken to pointing out every black-on-white crime and blaming Obama for it. Here, some black kids beat up a white guy.

Freepers are once again posturing hilariously about how they're tough. Never fear, they're not, but watch them flex like badass angry racists, when they are really just old and scared racists:

samtheman blames the victim:

WTF was he doing there? Too stupid to live.


peeps36 senses the victim is liberal:

He had the stunned look of a liberal after he got punched in the face. I hope he didn’t believe all that liberal garbage they fed him in school. He’s lucky he lived through this lesson.

skeeter is eager and tough:
The day is coming.
Chipper knows two makes a trend!

We have this and the 78 year old in Toledo attacked. The media is getting what it wants.

Altura Ct. is pissed he can't hate all blacks yet:

So how long in the national dialogue do we keep pretending?

I see my hands will die if he cannot say "nigger"
Dasn't call them what they are. Got to get over that or we die.
hal ogen blames cheap housing:

The libs have (through chits, affordable housing and so forth) managed to mix the feral criminal class in with more normal people in many communities. These mixed neighborhoods will be the next to go. Good luck everyone.

Mortrey sees Obama's secret, public pool-based plot:
THIS year, Bath-House Barry’s making summer worse—remember the wheelchair access in all public pools? ( yutes will not have public pools to cool off in, because the pools won’t be able to afford the requirement.)

And, the attack on coal plants—electricity (air conditioning) rates will skyrocket.

Bath-House Barry’s gonna cook him some rioters this summer!

Animals need to be treated like animals. They wonder why companies will not build in their neighborhoods? They are animals.
SWAMPSNIPER jokes that all blacks are cannibals:

He is lucky they didn’t boil him in a pot and eat him.

Hey, it was funny in 1960! Now it's just just sad.


  1. Whenever I see the "prepare" or "we need to secede" rhetoric pop up, I'm always reminded of The Onion article:,377/

  2. At least the victim-blaming is fairly consistent, regardless of context.
