Thursday, May 3, 2012

Civil War 2: The Kaganing

Freepers discover Elena Kagan's senior thesis again. It's called "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933." This means it's Civil War 2 time.
IbJensen of course hits the looks:
If our central socialist government is so wonderful why does it attract only ugly women like this sack of potatoes? This sow needs impeachment badly as does the scrawny Ginsberg.
Cheerio knows there's always a refuge in paranoid cynicism:
I have only one simple question - did one single GOP Senator stand up ready to filibuster this commie during confirmation hearings? Rhetorical question................both parties are working on the the destruction of America (one party knows it and the other goes along to get along).
Jim Robinson even gets in on the fun!
Impeach the traitor!!
Leo Carpathian has a theory:
Could she, Elena Kagan(ovich) be related to the Stalin’s butcher of Ukraine - Lazar Kaganovich????
Josephat knows the solution to all problems:
That is why [Obama's] elegibility is so important. If he was never elegible, he was never president. All of his appointments would be voided as would all of the bills he has signed. Proving him a fraud is the surest way to undo the damage he has done.
no-to-illegals looks to a final solution:
Please excuse me while I go pray and pray I never have to prey.
See, 'prey' may be a clever homonym, but it makes it sound like he's going to become a pedophile.
TheBigJ knows what will come:
Violence will soon be inevitable, for it is the tyrant's path. Defiance, ridicule and ignoring their existence is intolerable for them. Forget rationalizing, they are mad. The blood of innocents means nothing. As history has shown, they will overstep their bounds in their human lust for power, control as they deem themselves gods. And the war they desire will be taken to them to the hilt. Term limits after all, eh a$$holes?
The Sons of Liberty calls for cleansing government:
It’s past time to cleanse the government at all levels of those that have committed TREASON and render the maximum punishment!
Quickgun also:
Yes, it is time. or CWII time. We have a traitor to the nation on the SC. When will enough be “enough”?
Yeah, I'm thinking...never.


  1. There's some good reading to be had by doing a Google site search on FR for specific phrases. Using "if that was me I" brings up some awesome things Freepers would do if they only had the chance. Using "I told my husband" looks like another promising search.

  2. "It’s past time to cleanse the government at all levels of those that have committed TREASON and render the maximum punishment!"

    So why are all the anti-choice, anti-gay, fundamentalist morons still in office?
