Monday, November 19, 2012

Life of the Mother Exception

via Anonymous. Haven't had a good abortion barnburner in a while.

The Pro-Life movement has a problem - they can either be crazy extreme zealots who define abortion as murder in all cases, or ideologically inconsistent.

Or, you can just make up your own facts, and deny that anyone ever dies from a pregnancy or gets pregnant from rape.

Hence, Freepers' reactions to a story of an Irish woman denied an abortion and subsequently dying:

count-your-change combats any confusion by hating liberals EXTRA hard:
The abortionists should be thrilled. They have a “martyr” and the unborn child died. A real twofer for the “Every Child Deserves a Chance to Die” crowd.
muawiyah blames socialism:
Presumably Ireland has the same sort of inadequate medical care all socialized medicine systems provide ~ and someone forgot that antibiotics work.
conservaterian thinks it was the immigrant:
As usual it’s the immigrants causing problems. Doesn’t sound like their name is exactly a traditional Irish name. They didn’t even bother adding an “O” to it.
The name is discovered to be Kiwi. Freepers then mutter "that's okay then..." and slink off. Which just cements the racism.

CIB-173RDABN thinks all things have the exact same probability of occurring:
While it is tragic that this young woman died, changing the law will guarantee only two things, 1) every baby aborted will die, 2) some woman getting abortions will die.

Abortions like any medical procedure carry a risk of the patient dying. More abortions means more women will die.
generally is also sure abortions secretly kill women all the time.
You never hear the opposite stories - the stories of the mother who dies as a result of an abortion. Those stories just vanish, like the dead mothers.
Smokin' Joe isn't a doctor, but plays one on the Internets!
Septicemia is a systemic infection, iirc. Whether that was brought about by a dead baby in the womb, or whether the miscarriage was a result of the infection, I don't know. There is more to this than simply a case of 'an abortion would have saved her life' as some might have us believe.
surroundedbyblue also knows that the facts aren't as they seem - in reality, they are much more convenient for Freepers to never ask hard questions!
This is indeed medical negligence & has nothing to do with abortion. Terminating this pregnancy probably would’ve increased her risk of sepsis. What a joke. I see the Irish media is no different than that if the US....leftist spin & full of crap
LearsFool is Pro-Life, for reals:
A mother is supposed to sacrifice her own life to save her child, not sacrifice her child to save herself!

What monsters women have become!
Wonder why there's a conservative problem with women?


  1. ....wait, do you mean the womans name was Kiwi, or she had a Kiwi (i.e. New Zealand) name?

    1. Her name was Savita Halappanavar, which some Freeper googled and figured out was from New Zealand.

    2. She might have been a Kiwi by birth but ethnically she was Indian and (based on the name), of Hindu religious heritage.

      Try some consistency Freepers. If someone is about to kill you then CHECK THEM FOR A HEARTBEAT. If they have one then self defense is unacceptable. Put down your gun and take it like a (wo)man.

  2. Allen West concedes and Freepers cry fraud. Two fun threads:
    Col West Concedes
    Allen West concedes

  3. I wondered if they were going to address this news item at all. At first there was a resounding silence. Now the usual Freeper lunacy. The poster named "LearsFool" is really a head in the sand misogynist. Makes Shakespeare cry in his grave.

    But Marie is pushing back. Seems like she has actually heard of some tragedies in the maternity ward.
