Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama's Reelection Meltdown Part VI: Conclusion

Never fear, though. The Crazy will go on!

I was asked what will we do now. Well, we keep on trucking.

We continue building pro-America, conservative grassroots tea party enthusiasm and we retake our government at the state and local levels. Use the tenth amendment to block the feds. Lean on our Republican majority in the congress to not authorize excessive spending or new taxes or new debt.

Build on our majority in 2014!! Retake the senate!! Be better prepared in 2016!!

Roll on tea party, roll on!!

And please keep those donations coming in. We're going to need FR, now more than ever!!


  1. "When in doubt, SEND ME YOUR MONEY!" I wish I could say I was surprised.

  2. Skimming through jimrob's posting history, apprently FR had some downtime yesterday and and several people complaining got zotted for it. Then today he continues the begging, while holding onto the delusion that FR is in any way relevant other than providing laughs. It's beautiful.

    1. I was surprised at Free Republic's smoothness yesterday, actually. Especially since for the week before that it was awful.

  3. You are the bomb these posts are great. I'd love to suggest a definitive Nate Silver thread, because their responses to him both before and after the election are fascinating, but all the ones I find are kinda scattershot. Fragments of what would be an amazing thread.

  4. Someone wanted a thread on Nate Silver.

    With sterling call, Nate Silver defines new wave in polling

    1. The "he knew about the planned fraud" cries quickly drown out the "maybe we should start believing numbers", don't they?

    2. Yep. Not only do Freepers not believe in science, now it seems they don't even believe in math.
