Friday, December 7, 2012

Spotlight Friday: manc

A veteran and boxing coach in Florida, he's a big fan of the Confederacy, and of the US military before it got all gay. These days mostly in misspelled yelling about how the election was stolen. He has taken pains to make sure his teenagers won't turn out liberal.

His totally original plan for conservatives to move out of liberal places:
we conservatives need to move out of the liberal states, thus giving them none of our money, watch their electoral count go down and lose money plus we make swing states like FL, VA, NC, CO, and even NM red states.

Without FL, VA, NC, CO the left can never win.
he hates the GOP's sanity and message discipline:
People still have no where to live after Sandy and yet the GOP can;t even mention this, Libya has gone, fast and furious, death of a border agent, een now two more Mexicans have benecharged for murder for their act off the west coast and where is the GOP, F-IN NOWHERE.

We had facts, debt, spending, deaths, the list is endless and the GOP can;t mention obama for some reason, hell they can;t even mention social issues and the homostapo and the destruction of the family and those relying on handouts
Detailing Democratic fraud in Florida since 2000:
I’m here in FL and since 2000 the Dem counties now always wait till all the other counties report in , even the panhandle which is an hour later.

They have done it every election because they wait to see how many votes they need and then suddenly produce just enough votes to win.

I’m tired ot trying to explain to even a couple of freepers that fraud was the issue.

2000 was re-counts in Dem counties thus leaving our republican county out.
They then wanted another count in their 3 counties and ignore over the 60 counties which go republican.
they learned that they need to keep nags of votes on stand by and boy they did.

During the Col West count bag of over a 1,000 votes were found in a corner after the election.

I know that there is no way he won this election.
even today I see about 9 Romey stickers to 1 obama sticker.
Days go by and I never see an obama sticker and yet see on average 5 stickers for Romney depending where I am in my states.
Third party dreams:
Maybe the tradition party should rise with Sarah, Col West etc and to all those druggies, homosexuals, and those wanting sex with little kids, not work, stay at home and have sex with their dogs , illegals, hate guns, all can have their new country and we’ll have our new country in where the base of our party is, parts of the midwest and the south and yes lets kick out all of those who pretend to be conservatives, and liberals and anyone else who wants to change our new country.
How the military these days sucks and is fat:
I;’ve seen many men today who are either very fairy looking and look like Manning or just fat never iron clothes, shine boots, look after kit military members.

I will never forget when here in Jacksonville we had a few ships come in and the Navy guys and gals were just a bag of S$$$, hands in pockets, looked scruffy, awful and a disgrace to the military.
The women were so overweight and talked in such a way you would have thought they had just come off the street.

I asked one why she joined and she was honest. Pay off loans and get school while never getting in harms way.
Obsessively watching and hating FOX news:
Megyn Kelly , you’re right, she;s like the ditzy girl with no common sense who thinks we want to know about her nana, her house underwater in VA or about her husband.

I caught about 5 minutes of her today and she was asking about these new taxes and the shick on her face about being taxed on stocks , investments was laughable. She looked stunned and I thought serves you right.

She used to be good with Hemmer in the morning but her show makes her look like that school girl
He knows a Freeper-based ad campaign totally win:
Obama is a pansy bully, a skinny little wench who got power through him being who is is not based on education or experience.

The GOP needs to call out this corrupt media, make AD’s showing their bias wiht examples , call out obama and the thugs behind him for once otherwise we’ll be having more massive fraud and a corrupt bias media in 2016 in which we will lose.

Also cut funding for the chewbacca and her family;s travel and why the hell are they not mentioning Sandy and how obama plays golf, marines and soldiers get killed and people on Staten Island are still homeless.
He writes it "AD: every time. No idea why.

Lesbians are actually all super ugly:
Real homosexual women are ugly, overwight, look like men, pretend they;re men, many a time they do smell and they certainly have bitterness and anger to the world and they have to wear plastic strap ons during sex to play the role of a guy because nature made them a woman regardless of how many times these homo’s pretend they;re not a woman.
He hates all the white Christian race-traitors.
Homosexuals, muslims and illegals, get the country to accept this and the get rid of those euro heritage Christian white types as a majority can now be pissed on and make up for all their ancestors rules and laws.

To think white old people or even white people voted for this radical socialist agenda
He's properly indoctrinating his kids:
you know I ma stunned how many conservatives have kids who have turned out to be flaming big liberals.

I’ve had to teach my kids from an early age about what is right, the threats we face from the socialist left and how PC is destroying the basic fabric of this country and the back bone of this contry which was family.
More on his kids:
my family has served for generations, my oldest now 15 wanted marine recon or navy seals.

I will do all I can for him not to join and have been. I even took him to the marine recruiters this year and asked the marine there which was a pathetic pro PC idiot does he have to share showers etc with homosexuals.

The marine said no he can refuse and then I let him know I have served, I have seen combat and he;s talking B/S.

My son now is looking more to the police as he can serve his own community and his family right here.

My daughter is looking to be a judge to help the conservatives and I hope other parents are now saying to their children ot get in postiions of power and influence.


  1. He writes it "AD: every time. No idea why.

    Probably autocorrect fail. He was writing a date once, fixed it, and now his phone thinks he's always talking about Anno Domini.

    At least we know it's not an Obamaphone :)

  2. I love the whole "I won't let my son anywhere near the military because of all the homo-sponge bath parties". I guess now that the military allows gays it's a 24-7 sausage-fest.

    In the same post the whole daughter-wanting-to-be-a-judge-to-help-the-conservatives thing was a bit frightening at first but then I realized that she most likely doesn't have the grades or finances to go law school in the first place.

  3. His oldest is only 15? Man, he's in for a rude awakening once his children get out from under his roof and start to see the real world. Especially if his daughter wants to be a judge. Law school is going to open up her eyes to a whole new way of thinking.

    Of course, his kids could remain just as batshit crazy as he is.

  4. He's not too good at counting, apparently,

    Without FL, VA, NC, CO the left can never win.

    Obama didn't win NC, and even without FL, VA and CO Obama still would have won 281 - 257. Flip NM to red as well and it's still 276 - 262.

  5. Gonna be painful for him when his kids rebel. The stricter people are on their kids the more they rebel. Son will probably turn out gay, and daughter will probably bring a sweet black guy home.
