Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Potpourri

Las Vegas Ron has some kind of meta-conspiracy theory where some conspiracies are just a conspiracy to make legitimate concerns look like a conspiracy!
Ah, so the loons are crawling out with ludicrous claims to discredit people with legitimate questions in this case as conspiracy kooks.

Kind of like the eligibility issue, got to paint everyone who has questions as a wing nut....or a racist.
PGalt can't wait to hunt liberals:
These POS totalitarians/criminals/progressives/thugs/socialists/collectivists/conmen have to go. Someday there will be wanted signs posted with bounties. DEPOPULATE them from the body politic.

live - free - republic

Michael Barnes advocates beating up news anchors:
the “MSM” needs dealt with over and over and over again in the “what’s the frequency kenneth” fashion. They are not “talking heads”, they are purposely lying and they damn well know it. Start knocking teeth out for every lie and they just *might* re-think spewing bullshit. Just my $0.02 of course.
ClearCase_guy thinks crazy people are a liberal plot to make more liberal social workers:
Shooting at Sandy Hook?? Let's approach this in two ways:

1) Confiscate guns and gut the Second Amendment
2) Jack up federal money for psychiatric care, boost the insurance industry, hire more social workers who will vote Democrat forever.
Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America thinks Sandy Hook was secretly a terrorist hit:
Just like 9/11. Destruction of Lanza’s hard drive was of paramount importance, perhaps to protect the identity of those he corresponded with. This has ‘Chechnyan’ massacre written all over it.
Sarabaracuda lays out Obama's horrific legions:
You assume that all gun owners will join your revolution. You also assume that Obama will not use the military, the UN, private contractors, illegal aliens, gang bangers, and every weapon he has access to against us. You assume too much.
trebb really wants to limit to vote to Freepers:
how many of those formerly known as illegals are now considered to be citizens? Anyone who has ever had another citizenship should not be allowed to hold office - there are many who fit that description and are far more loyal to America than most politicians today, but there can be no split loyalties. Anyone who knock the country (not to be confused with knocking the idiots in government - they ain't the country) should be disallowed too - that would have solved the problems of a Kerry/Clinto/countless others. We should also have the "Joe McCarthy" test - any socialist/communist/marxist leanings and you're out.
CodeToad takes the real American thing one step further:
The Takers are not Americans. They are Africans and Mexicans.
central_va's blatant racism continues to astound me:
We are a tribal nation now. No question about it. Identification is based on skin tone, hair color and nostril size.
I mean, who has talked about nostril size in the last 50 years?!

chris37 explains why he believes only what facts he wants to, as all others are lies:
That same people telling us whatever few details we actually know about Sandy Hook are the same people telling us that we are going to drown from Glowbull Warming.

They are the same people who tell us that the only remedy to anything that ails us, real or imagined, is to sacrifice our freedom.

They are the same people who tell us Obama is a genius and that his wife is beautiful.

Is there anything at all in America 2013 that is true?
yorkie knows not only are things he doesn't believe lies, things he does believe are PROVED:
Let me say this - the man in office is there illegally, and those who know it are ignoring it (or avoiding any discussion about it.)

Joe Arpaio PROVED without a doubt that the birth certificate is a fraud. (And I am not a ‘birther’.)

The voting machines were rigged. That has been proven.

Then, we have pictures of illiterate, illegals, being bussed to the polls, for free pizza, when they vote.

It has also been posted on FB, people bragging about voting in multiple counties.

Felons, illegals, dead people, and mentally incapacitated voted.

And, the Tea Party and GOP says NOTHING????? DOES nothing?????
Rodamala quotes from "Doctor Strangelove" unironically.
Soybeans are straight Phytoestrogens... and try to find any factory food item without soy... it's a real "Purity of Essence" matter... it's causing men to vote like they have vaginas.
Cap'n Crunch knows Obama has pirates on call:
Scarier still is the criminal element that will certainly (some of them told me so) rape, pillage and plunder for Team 0 while we are busy elsewhere.
Diana in Wisconsin works closely with liberals, and seems to be struggling to keep on hating him:
Why is everyone so AFRAID of being a Conservative? My employees are 99.999% LibTards; and these are ‘Cream of The Crop’ LibTards that actually give a chit about our company as a whole and show up for work on time - WITHOUT a Union! Imagine that; a LibTard who UNDERSTANDS who signs their paycheck!

And why do I hire them? Well, for starters, I’m still STUCK with some of them from previous management, but THIS is where I live and this is WHAT I have to work with. I WILL win this battle, ONE PERSON AT A TIME. I WILL convert these my dying breath.
Yay, Rome2000 is moving to Nazi Germany!
I'm moving to a country where they still shoot communists.

Finding one is the hard part.
charlie72 totally heard the real deal about Benghazi:
I heard they were killed with weapons we sent to liberate Libya, and the CIA was there to get them back and send to Syrian rebels through the Turks.

I also heard it was a kidnapping of the ambassador that went bad. Obama wanted to exchange the blind sheik demanded by Morsi for the kidnapped ambassador. When it failed, witnesses had to be eliminated. I think that was what Peter King tried to tell today, but Megan Kelly interrupted.

They were expendable, so Obama didn’t cry over them. He saved the fake tears for the Sandy Hill massacre because it was the worst thing he had ever heard, and it fit in with his gun grab. I’m sure Hillary/Obama will tell. sarc
bluecat6 reacts to some gun rights advocate being shot:
A Chicago mob style hit to send a message.

The list is building up...


- Andrew Breitbart
- LA Coronor technician Michael Cormier
- Lt. Quarles Harris Jr.
- Kam Kawata

Political hits / sackings / purges

- Petraeus - Bengahzi related
- General Ham - Bengahzi related
- Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette - Bengahzi related
"Political hits?" Jeez, he's reaching.

Eaker worries about how crazy liberals are.
I supported most of what Bush did but was never “rabid” about it. I never thought of Bush as a Messiah like many of these people see Obama as being.

These people are nuts and not the funny kind of nuts.
I can only presume this guy never read Free Republic during the Bush Presidency.


  1. "Joe Arpaio PROVED without a doubt that the birth certificate is a fraud. (And I am not a ‘birther’.)"

    Love it

  2. Somehow I find it hard to believe that Diana in Wisconsin employs 100,000 people, all but one of whom are raving liberals.

    1. No, she employs 25,000 people and one is only 1/4 conservative on his father's side.
