Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spare the Rod, Spill the Milk

Via Anonymous, we have this example of Freepers on children. I guess the state should be hands off when it comes to bullying, but come down hard on property crimes!

Here the example is a 'trend' story about kids who smash milk and then pretend to have slipped and fallen in it. So they're Liberal pre-trial lawyer kids to boot!

ApplegateRanch explains that what he did as a kid were pranks, but kids these days are criminals!
Out & out vandalism is not a “prank”...any more than putting “pranksters” in public stocks for an afternoon’s worth of citizen entertainment is a “prank”.

Mislabeling it as such is a disservice to all in involved, including the English language; and it just encourages more of the same.

A prank is short-sheeting your buddy, or putting sugar in the salt shaker of a sourpuss...not that I have ever never ever even considered doing such a thing.
PowderMonkey pulls the "third world" card. Good luck with that buddy!
Having spent much of my life living and working in Third World countries where many go hungry for lack of food, I find pranks like this by our spoiled and very privileged yoots difficult to watch. We, who have so much, can afford to throw it on the ground and roll around in it. Cringeworthy. Very cringeworthy.
Doc Savage wants torture:
I’d make the little pukes lick it up off the floor, shards and all! Crime is Crime! In my world anyone caught doing graffiti would get an automatic 10 years first offense - no parole. Second offense, LIFE. No parole! Want to guess how fast graffiti would stop?
S.O.S121.500 wants sterilization:
So are you saying that the appropriate response to a teenager stealing and then destroying $4 of food is either death or sterilization?

Sequoyah101 wants the death penalty:
All kids should be locked up when they are 13 and not released until they are 29. Maybe 35. I know I should have been. Unfortunately....

Sorry, you are wrong. The gene pool needs to be cleansed.

These “children” will not amount to anything. Maybe some would but it is not worth the risk to wait to see.
fr_freak was an awesome kid, unlike liberals!
All kids should be locked up when they are 13 and not released until they are 29. Maybe 35. I know I should have been.

I know you are just kidding around, but this is an example of left-wing thinking: "I was a bad kid, therefore, every kid is a bad kid, therefore every kid should be treated badly." It's a group identity thing. Some of us, even in our wilder phase, still had a strong sense of right and wrong.
I want the USA back is pretty sure this is Communist:
They get to show their hatred for capitalism by destroying some of the store’s assets without paying for it. They get sympathy from the idiots who run to their assistance. And they get to sue the store for not cleaning up the milk that they deliberately threw on the floor and that they slipped on.

Also, because they are useless pieces of $h!t, they get enjoyment out of the whole thing and chuckles from their fellow $h!tholes who view the videos.
On the up side, no discussions of race. You're slipping Freepers!


  1. I love "I’d make the little pukes lick it up off the floor, shards and all!" Because milk still comes in glass bottles, to Freepers.

  2. I guess S.O.S121.500 and others have never heard of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution. Freepers concentrate so hard on the First and Second Amendments that they completely forget the rest of the Bill of Rights.
