Friday, October 18, 2013

What's next?

Awesome, Anon!

Freepers contemplate what Obama will do now. This is complicated by the fact that they think anything Democrats do is just like Hitler.

When everything is equally bad, there is really nothing to rein in your speculation.

Gaffer expects infinite inflation, and illegal alien voting:
Now that Obama has effective control of the debt limit, he and his ilk will MAKE it work. QE to the tune of $85Billion per month will be nothing like what he’ll do to pump up Obamacare and keep his new constituents voting (if we even have them any more after 2014).
Alas, Loud Mime does not go into detail:
The control of food is next.
seeker41 agrees, though:
Control of food
Control of water
Control of electricty
Land grabs
Raiding 401ks
Dollar collapses
Cashless society

You figure out the rest...none of it boades well for US..
Texas resident knows Freepers are going to get their land expropriated:
I’m predicting they will start by confiscating just the oil and gas mineral interest of land owners, then progress to all mineral interest below the surface.

After confiscating the mineral interest of what lies below the surface they will confiscate the surface wealth of landowners beginning with timber then progress to all other natural resources.

The confiscation will depend on the owner. Libs/muslims/illegals/Acorn types/Unions/loyal media and like minded people will be left alone.

That’s why they are collecting personal data on all Americans to determine who is a friend and who is an enemy.

baraq spoke of redistribution of the wealth.
Buckeye McFrog predicts your house will get bulldozed:
Housing. Those of you who fled to McMansions in the outer suburbs, prepare for your comeuppance. Forced relocation to an environmentally approved urban flat, followed by the bulldozing of your former home into “green space”, eternally protected by the U.N.
kenmcg knows it'll be mandated housesharing!
The gov’t weil start moving the homeless into homes owned by senior social security recipients.
abclily - we're already into slavery time:
Obamacare IS slavery. That was B-HO’s goal: enslave whitey. But I think he bit off more than he can chew.
hal ogen thinks it will actually be straight-up reverse slavery!
I’m waiting to have a couple feral families assigned to my house. Then, every morning we can be awakened by slaps and cold water in our face before spending the day pleasing them as they abuse us. Sound far fetched? As Dr Zhivago said in the movie of same name: “It is only fair...”
Lake Living:
Sharia Law is next after amnesty. Count on it.
TexasRepublic keeps it sunny!
What comes next?

Declining living standards, religious persecution, hunger, despair, revolt, then death.
Hardraade seriously has no idea what reality is.
What’s next??

Very simple.



  1. It's not just Hardraade. None of them have any idea what reality is.

  2. Kenmcg and Hal ogen's comments remind me of the Four Yorkshiremen sketch. They're trying to one-up each other with the level of enforced house sharing horror they can imagine.

  3. You know what's really funny? Pages and pages of bitter, angry, racist comments, to prove (to whom?) that they're not racist. They're always the last to know...

  4. Hehe I put in an order to Santa for my girls. Freeper-Barbie® and her Fantastic-Freeper-Village.
    Post Apocalypse model.
