Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hanging Obama

A black Republican candidate for the Florida House of Representatives tweeted that Obama should be hung for treason. He got a visit from the Secret Service. Freepers are split on the issue. The thread is small, but just about all of it is post-worthy.

Justa explains that the politics are actually awesome:
He’s getting lots of free advertising to conservatives and race-conscious voters aka his potential constituents. That’s a win in my book. And btw, many FL blacks don’t like Obama. If you recall he was heckled by a group in a ‘08 campaign stop in central FL. They told him to get out of FL and take his bs with him and held up signs to that effect.

Yeah, he’s lost the MSNBC and CNN viewers. Boohoo, mindless idiots to begin with. No loss there.
Ghost of SVR4 also think that calling for execution will make Americans think:
I’m glad he said it and I hope this gets lots and lots of attention. Next up after this gets lots of attention is “What made this guy say these things? DID Obama commit treason? Maybe we should take a closer look. Benghazi anyone?”
lee martell realizes this is crazy, and so wonders if this is a false flag op:
Regardless of his personal opinion, this is a very stupid, self-destructive thing to do. Here is a man who knows how to attract a ton of negative attention practically for free. This action is so dumb, I wonder if he’s a plant; a democrat who wants to make the republicans look mean, ignorant and dangerous. If this is legitimate, and he really is just a candidate expressing his opinion, then he is not intelligent enough to be a Tea Party or Rep. member. We (most conservatives) don’t want him.
caddie cites history, although not specifics:
You're wrong.

This guy has guts, and is right.

He has precisely the right mindset to turn this country around.

The libs are not going to just surrender, it is going to take really strong-willed opposition, just like his.

The only way his text is self-destructive is because the country is full of wimps like you.

PS presidents and candidates for POTUS and many other offices have been using rhetoric like this for years.

Pick up a history book once in your life.

Have a nice day.
Justa explains this guy was just calling for Obama to get due process and THEN hanged!
First off he was quoting another tweet and said he agreed.

Secondly, “treason” is a US Code violation with specific criteria. So if he’s saying someone comitted treason well that implies a forthcoming trial and conviction.

Third, what is the sentence for conviction of treason?

He’s a law and order conservative.
SoFloFreeper hits the liberal media:
He should not have said it....but let me many stories did we see about the threats to Bush?
First, there were lots of stories about idiots threatening Bush. Second, this guy isn't some random yahoo, he's a candidate for public office.

pallis thinks the Secret Service is fascist:
Sounds like a case of the Secret Service going beyond the call of duty to harass Obama’s political enemies. Did they ask Black to show them his papers in typical Gestapo fashion?
maddog55 has decided the secret service hates Obama:
If a poll were conducted in the Secret Service 9 out of 10 would dodge the bullet vice stepping in front.
StonyBurk has a new litmus test for being a real Republican!
I am bone weary of people who insist they do not agree with Obama—yet they are willing to tolerate TREASON. Had the commie from Kenya not carried that D attached to his coat—the captive press would have been screaming their affirmation.I have No respect for quisling Republicrats. Call them “progressives” or moderates— or whatever.I agree with this young man who reminds me of Allen West.Agreeing with American history and our Laws is now stupid? WOW!
null and void, as a birther, would like to quibble.
Did he actually say hanged, or executed?

Hanging is appropriate for traitors, but one can only be a traitor to one's own country. In the absence of transparency there is no clear proof that the subject of his ire is a US citizen.

Non-uniformed enemy spies and saboteurs are shot on sight.

Just sayin', and only as a finer legal point...

Besides, if we start hanging traitors, I'm not sure we have enough lamp posts! (Just kidding, NSA, JUST KIDDING!!!!)
Weirdly, BuffaloJack was not arrested after posting this:
What ever happened to First Amendment protection of political opinion and speech.
Obama want to void all guaranteed rights.


  1. "What ever happened to First Amendment protection of political opinion and speech."

    What ever happened to reading more than the title of the amendment?

  2. Should we care if Republicans win elections?

    Perhaps Freepers would be happier if they found something like a new John Birch Society to believe in.

    1. I think the teabaggers ARE the new John Birch Society.

    2. But that requires effort on the FReepers' end, and, outside of a very small minority, would be able to make something like the JBS

    3. Anon1, but how many of those "kill Bush" sentiments were coming from candidates for office?
      Mr. Black from Florida has just torpedoed whatever small chance he had of being taken as a credible candidate.

      I'd have to say that fringe conservatives and fringe liberals are equally intolerant (and stupid).

    4. Well, one thing I will say, anon1, I agree with you that liberals are the "least intolerant" people. But I suspect you didn't mean to say that.

    5. Huh??..yes libs are the least intolerant..way less intolerant than conservatives.

    6. I admit I read it wrong....trying to do too many things at once...sue me.

    7. I admit I read it wrong....trying to do too many things at once...sue me.

      Plus, the jizz made the keyboard slippery, amirite?

    8. anon1 you big dope.

  3. anon1, if you want to be taken seriously, please read this

    Two wrongs make a right

    and eschew such childishness in the future.

    1. and eschew such childishness in the future.


      Wut?? and not point out the hypocrisy of the left? What's wrong?? truth hurts??So what if this was an elected aofficial what the libs did to Bush was way worse.

    2. Yes, I can tell its way worse because of your evidenceless declaration on a thread about how a candidate for public office called for Obama's execution.

    3. what the libs did to Bush was way worse.

      [citation needed.]

    4. Like this??

    5. Like this??

      Well, no. See, a citation should ideally be credible. And when a website says, "Bush was threatened frequently — but no arrests," and five seconds of Googling reveals that claim to be a lie, it's fair to conclude that it's not a credible site. I know teabaggers think that linking to other teabaggers magically = OMG SCIENCE FACT, but people who are literate and not crazy have slightly higher evidentiary standards.

      Also, during the Bush years protesters were arrested simply for wearing uncomplimentary t-shirts. And for carrying signs that did not contain death threats. And for heckling.

      But thanks for playing anyway, schmuck.

    6. From the last link in the previous post:

      Christine Nelson showed up at the Cedar Rapids rally with a Kerry-Edwards button pinned on her T-shirt; Alice McCabe clutched a small, paper sign stating "No More War." What could be more American, they thought, than mixing a little dissent with the bunting and buzz of a get-out-the-vote rally headlined by the president?

      Their reward: a pair of handcuffs and a strip search at the county jail.

      Congrats, Anon1. Once again you have proved that you are a stupid person who is terrible at everything.

  4. The issue here is that anon1 doesn't consider anti-Obama sentiments and commentary to be "hate".
    Only anything anti-conservative can be considered "hate" in his warped perspective.

    1. Let's face it, the word "conservative" doesn't really have any meaning anymore, anyway. Just reacting to everything one doesn't like because they feel powerless doesn't make them conservative. FReepers contradict their own principles every single day. Their Zillion Man March and simultaneous insistence that there's "no such thing as a collective" is one of the finest examples.

    2. Where did I say what the politician said was right..I think he was wrong and stupid for saying it..nobody should be doing this to any politician in the US.

    3. Then knock it off with the tu quoque arguments. Liberals were not worse under Bush than RWNJs are under Obama. At least liberals had legitimate gripes about Bush.
