Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Freeper's Ferguson Crackup, 3/3, Race War

Which brings us to today. Some on the right are talking race war. Certainly fear of the feral crowds is the order of the day. I don't think Freepers are the ones going this rout - they seem to be responding to their media.

I don't get this level of race bating from a political angle - the timing seems wrong, and it'll turn out blacks as much as anyone. Heh, maybe gun manufacturers are paying for this. Maybe folks like Drudge are just legit racists?

Whatever, Freepers are enthusiastically back to the days of knockout games and buying ammo.

Le Chien Rouge - we're living in a black-run America, which is why we have tyranny like the Civil Rights Acts.
It’s more like an insurrection.

Has anyone seen the media show the many BLACK Nationalist flags being waved during the riots and so-called protestors??

These feral blacks ARE NOT interested in living under Anglo Saxon laws and conservatism WILL NOT change their beliefs.

We have a black run America—seriously—where nearly every issue is to be modified to fit black ‘feelings’-—Freedom of association is the only right that matters: boiled down, it means you have the right to discriminate.
bert - Blacks aren't really Americans
the problem is not American law enforcement but the black american subculture that masquerade as Americans
grania knows all the facts, and anyone who disagrees is being racist.
Anyone who can still defend Michael Brown with all of the information that's now in the open can only be doing so because of race. That includes race-baiters in the black community and enablers among liberal, sactimonious whites (who go back to their protected, gated communities).

I'm appalled that it's policy in many places not to shoot robbers and looters. If that's the racial divide, bring it on!
MrB goes with the Stormfront standby that black-on-white crime is super common and part of Blacks' secret war on Whites.
There’s been an ongoing one sided “race war” going on for quite a while. They should be careful about being “open” about it or the other side might take it seriously and actually fight back.
dirtboy wonders why police violence seems to get some extra attention:
Funny. Black on black murders all over but they go bats*** over a cop shooting one person who assaulted the cop after robbing a store and assaulting the clerk.

Seems the breakdown is on one side here. And that side refuses to acknowledge such, and that is 99 percent of the problem.
DH is totally ready to lash out!
You train a dog not to defecate on the floor by sticking his nose in it every time he does it.

We, we whites are tired of having our noses pushed down in the pile of crap we did not make...over and over again.

You can only push someone so far and then they will turn on you. This dog has finally reached the point that the next time my nose is pushed in the steamy pile, I will turn around and bite.
Da Coyote is one of many to smugly point out that Whites are gonna win the coming race war.
Thanks to the MSM, there just may be a race war.

And, woe be unto the libs when the crackers get really p*ssed off.
jjsheridan5 - all blacks are basically thugs. As are lots of young people generally.
The gangsta-thug subculture would be more accurate. Don’t drag all the decent black people into this.

The "gangsta-thug" subculture has subsumed virtually all of the remaining, distinct, black American subculture. And this subculture can no longer be considered to be strictly black, since it has made significant inroads into the white, latino, and asian youth. The "decent" black people are integrated into the American culture.

Just as the concept of a moderate Muslim is a myth, so too is the concept of a moderate embrace of the inner-city subculture.
MrB loves being able to apply his Godly hatred of Muslims to Blacks as well!
Similar to Islam, it is simply an ideology/culture that justifies the most base human nature of antipathy to every one of God’s commands.
RaveOn agrees - suburban blacks are also bad.
the gangsta-thug subculture now reaches across all ethnic boundaries. Like one poster commented the other day, it’s like killer bees invading a normal hive colony and taking over all their behavior.

It’s not strictly an urban problem anymore, either. I live in the suburbs and the influence among minorities here is astronomical.


  1. Christ, even their dog training methods are outdated.

  2. "Freedom of association is the only right that matters: boiled down, it means you have the right to discriminate."
    At last, a Freeper is honest about Rand Paul's stand on the First Amendment.

  3. To quote Chris Rock "if you're (white people) losing, who is winning?!!"

  4. "Just because someone claims to have seen something doesn’t make it true or accurate, in whole or in part.

    The so-called three witnesses who accused the officer of executing Brown have been severely crippled re their honesty and accuracy (if they think they saw what they claimed) because of forensic evidence and more to come.

    The reported injuries to the officer, if confirmed, will destroy the so-called “eyewitness” accounts of at two of the three witnesses, esp. the clown who robbed the store with Brown.

    Just another piece of black racist/black denial writing, a curse that is keeping some American blacks from becoming part of the solution, not remaining part of the problem.

    The truth is colorblind, except under the Obama/Holder authoritarian, Orwellian, regime."
    "The reported injuries to the officer, if confirmed"
    Let that sink in. They've already decided the dead guy was at fault, even though they were not there to see it, and have chosen to believe the (now debunked) reports of the officer's injuries, and they unironically cite Orwell.
