Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Potpourri

bert wants him some domestic CIA assassination.
The CIA should arrange a stroke or cardiac arrest for the committee head releasing the report

Oh, you'd better bow before huldah1776's Police State Jesus!
The promise of peace on earth given at Christ’s birth will not be fulfilled until He returns to rule the world with an iron fist. He brings armies with Him. The resurrected dead from the tribulation also come then. Intimidating to keep all in line. If we can’t keep kids from bullying each other how can anyone be so naive to think an adult can simply grown up to be “civilized.” Our own nation legalized the dismemberment of the unborn. America is a defamation of the description “Christian” nation.
central_va - Praise God and pass the ammunition!

Him and secession.
Ezekiel lets partisanship leads his theology straight into crazytown:
Obama has elevated himself above pharaoh.

Instead of, "So let it be written, so let it be done", it's "So let it be spoken, so let it be done".

Sound familiar? Genesis 1:

"And God said..."

Obama = blasphemer.

He's not just supplanting Congress, he is attempting to supplant God Himself, creating something... out of nothing.

Ezekiel - Real Americans instinctively hate Obama:
Something is rotten -— don’t know what exactly, but something ain’t right.

Regular Joe Americans instinctively pick up on his alien invader persona. We all know he ain't one of us.

A foreigner may speak with no accent, but a native spots the alien by any number of other clues, even if the foreign invader is well-trained in idioms and cultural knowledge. The authentic always stands apart from the fake. Obama is the fake who has no idea of all the "tells" he sends out.
bigtoona thinks everyone in Washington is a foreign enemy:
We have witnessed a silent coup of the US gov’t. There is no doubt foreign enemies are running our government now 100%. Not a single gov’t official has been prosecuted in the last 6 years despite massive corruption.
I'm not sure what sergeantdave's on about, but it sounds pretty bad:
Here in SC, we have 30 of Holder’s Nazi, racist goons locked up in state prison for 10 to 30 years.

We use the anti-klan laws to lock up racist, black peckerheads. Works every time.
sport is fighting the good fight.
I haven’t watched since he [Obama] began occupying the White House. I will never surrender to the bastard, nor acknowledge him as president.
Ghost of SVR4- THIS shutdown, lets screw over government workers!
Shut it down. And this time, no retroactive pay. Too many people are on the government payroll as it is.
Forward the Light Brigade has some suggestions for Republicans in the State of the Union:
There are lots of things Republicans can do-

1. Yell “Lier in Chief”— “Lies!” “Shut Up!” “bengahzai”
2. Throw things—rotten tomatoes at him—fruit.
3. Toss paper airplanes at him.
4. Yell “BOOO!”
5. Sing really loud “God Bless America.”
6. stand up and start yelling questions at him—
7. heckle him as he speaks —yelling “Bull sh*t”.
8. Turn their backs on him—No Claping at all!
9. Just walk out!
stevem's analyses are all penis-based.
I think it was Rush last week that said Republicans need to man-up. I believe even a woman can man-up. Margaret Thatcher proved that as have several US women in the last half century.

I don't think Boehner is capable of that. To call him a semi-vir is a complete insult to all half men out there. Boehner is so pathetic he is beyond description. I read a rumor he is kind of a drunk. I don't know about that, but it would explain a great deal.

If I had to look in the mirror and realize the guy looking back is perfectly incapable of any movement that requires a spine, I doubt I would ever draw a sober breath.

fieldmarshaldj: arbiter of humor.
How Comedy Central can keep that crap show and Stewart, who also is NOT funny, I have no idea. I’d rather watch an hourlong block of the obscene “Brickleberry” than that garbage.
GOPsterinMA's Colbert analysis is...hilarious, for multiple reasons.
Can Colbert function without his shtick (Sean Hannity impersonation)?

Colbert is a Communist slut, period.
I should let Colbert know about that or something.

TsonicTsunami08 - soon guys! Really!
To the mattresses soon!
Sequoyah101 has also decided it's shooting time.
You can call all day and all night and all week. It doesn’t matter. You and I don’t have enough money to match their other bribes.

Only one last option is available. If you give up your gun it will be gone to.

I have no more hope in the system. It has run its corse.
Gluteus Maximus knows America is really just for guys like him.
My ancestors helped build this country. They made it for themselves and for me, their posterity. Why shouldn’t I feel privileged in my own country. Just like Israel is the Jewish State, so too this country was made by and for guys like me. Others can be honored guests with a place at the table, but I certainly won’t apologize for being “privileged” in my own home.
In other racist news, libstripper explains the true reason behind blacks protesting the police:
The whole point of the “black lives matter” canard is to legitimate black criminals declaring open season on everyone who’s not of their race, and, especially, whites. When Obola praised St. Trayvon of the Skittles (SBUH) and St.Michael of the Stolen Cigars (SBUH), he praised and justified two wannabe murderers who tried to kill two innocent people whose only offense was to stop them from committing murder and other crimes. Thus, he declared open season on law abiding people of all other races in favor of the absolutely vilest of the vile black criminals.
Even worse(!!!), caddie carefully explains that decent people don't want blacks to have due process of law:
It’s called non judicial killing.
Banana land dictators call them death squads.

The choice is ours: Do we want the anarchic, drugged up, communistic, uneducated, uncivilized barbarians to have the advantage in our judicial system.

I say forcefully no, the decent people in this country say forcibly no, and American history documents thoroughly that the people want the law to have every consideration to kill this sort of person, without fanfare or legal hairsplitting.

And now that so many anarchic individuals have become emboldened by the recent OWS and other protests of Ferguson and Staten Island criminal pseudo-martyrs, we are going to see more and more brazen attacks on normal people in the real world.

And in response, civilized society is going to have to respond with total support for the police, total contempt for the criminals and accused, and obviously jury nullification is going to be the coin of the realm. The other side uses it, and we must use it. Oh yes, impeach permissive judges, and other politicians with any leftist inclinations, weak or strong. Those measures, and the Second Amendment, will see us through this turbulence to better times, times that resemble the American Era from Coolidge to the Fifties. We must never lose sight of this goal.
"We need to blindly support the police no matter what, to keep the negro down!"

longfellow knows the 2nd Amendment is the right to assassinate politicians.
Here’s what the 2nd amendment is..... it is not about hunting or guns. It is about our RIGHTS to shoot politicians that overreach on their powers in government.
tomkat doesn't say it, so I guess he's not racist.
I no longer give even a fraction of a damn.

If the loud-mouthed professional nøggers somehow manage to kick off the interracial war they're trying so desperately to gin up,
they won't live long to comprehend the gigantic can of citizen whoopass that decimates them.
namvolunteer makes what he thinks is an important point:
Not even one Republican ever own even one slave. Not one. The Republican Party was started to abolish slavery.
Kozak is highly amused be liberals who have been killed.
“the Reginal Denny Headslam breakfast.”

Does that include Hash Brown?

Don’t forget some Rachael Corrie Pancakes as a side...
CatherineofAragon finds a Freeper's horrors at Free Republic's racism to stem from not knowing enough blacks:
In this thread you don't have to look for racism; it is all over the thread.

Here is just a small sampling:

“We are a nation of weak white men”

“It’s open season on Whitey”

“Black race has declined behavior wise since 1960s”
This is one of the more obvious racist comments.

“It has been my observation that the smart, attractive, white women don’t date Africans. The ones that do, are generally substandard in terms of intelligence and most often they are grossly obese.”
“look what happened to the ditz from the VA college. Friends don’t let friends date “dreadlocks””
Oh look this one is from you and it is a “fact”

“It’s used as a form of coercion. It “forces” the white girls to “prove” they’re not racists by “dating” blacks and it affords the blacks a white “trophy”.

Actually I could copy the entire thread on this one

“Its not easy being a stand up white boy or girl today”
I am done with this thread. It is disappointing to find out a group of people in Free Republic, I thought I had a lot in common with, have more in common with Al Sharpton.

Now I see where you’re coming from.

I clicked on your state flag; you’re in have a population of just over 3% blacks compared with over 19% for my state.

Where you are coming from is a place of abject ignorance.

Few things are as pathetic as a fool who thinks himself a wise man.
NKP_Vet is recycling old material. Just replace Pope Francis with Obama and Jesuit with Black.
Francis replaced him for one reason. Cardinal Burke is a devout Catholic that lives by the the teachings of the Catholic Church. He’s everything Francis is not. Francis does not like to be reminded that Catholic doctrine CAN NOT change as much as leftist Jesuits like him want it to change. 
I guarantee you that as soon as Francis is history, it will be another 1,000 years before a Jesuit is made pope again. 
Francis detests the role of pope. He wants to be everyone’s buddy and does not like to be bothered by troublesome things like the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He could care less. 
Plus he’s mean and vindictive and fires anyone that does not agree with his liberal views.
I swear. Identical to when Freepers psychoanalyze Obama.

miserare holds out hope for an Ebola resurgance
Another dead doctor. We hear nothing.

People from the affected countries are flying in and out of the US for the Holiday season.

There will be a new rush of cases here in January and February.


  1. You gotta feel a little sorry for the Republican Party. They need these votes.

  2. I no longer give even a fraction of a damn.

    I'm sure the process of getting from not caring about black people to really not caring about black people was a long and arduous one.

    1. professional nøggers
      ...implies that there's such a thing as amateur nøggers?

      Who is it, exactly, that is spoiling for an interracial war? Maybe the guys bragging daily about their stockpiles?

  3. There will be a new rush of cases here in January and February.

    And if that doesn't happen, I suspect that miserare will offer yet another glib prediction as fact, with no shame and no pushback from other FReepers.

  4. CatherineofWrinkleBag thinks she'll be in good with the harpy crew someday if she just keeps defending the worst of the worst on FR.
    She is the most pathetic of the pathetic gaggle who have found each other on that site.

  5. a lot of what freepers call logic the rest of us call free word association.

    1. Like I've said before, no Freeper would dare try out their arguments outside of FR, because they'd get defeated pretty quickly.

  6. Many of them are dying off every year, and very few "noobs" are signing on.

    I have noticed among the freeper elite a real circling of the wagons lately, calling everyone outside the inner circle a "liberal" plant, a "troll", a "GOPe" operative.

    Which, all in all, is a good thing, as it serves to destroy FR from within ... the walls of the echo chamber are closing in around them.

  7. I think Jim rob knows the site is circling the drain and is just content to end his days sponging what he can

  8. Such profundity ... the comment above must be from:

    a) Humbledummy
    b) Anal lEaker
    c) CatherineofWrinkleBag
    d) Gin-n-Tonyx
    e) DJFatCoW
    f) TheOldFatAss
    g) or, perhaps, the jimcompoop himself
