Friday, March 13, 2015

Two Ferguson Police Officers Shot

Spotlight sometime this weekend. Today, a nonfatal shooting in Ferguson makes Freepers...well, call for a race war slightly more loudly? There isn't much new here; consider it a review of Freeper's racial madness.

demshateGod blames everyone, including God:
This is Obama, Holder, and ultimately the GOP’s fault. But wait, God is allowing this for our chastisement. We have to wake up.
McGruff knows who to blame:
Eric Holder should be held responsible for this. Inciting a riot.
TigersEye has another expected target:
Mr. 0bama, go take a long hard look in the mirror.
Thanks to overdramatic metaphor, LibWhacker manages to do both:
Hussein pulled one trigger, Holder the other.
SWAMPSNIPER blames half the country:
Every liberal fool who voted for obama shares blame for all that’s coming.
Talisker is sure this is staged:
Guess this will knock Hillary off the front page.

I expected something like this.
RginTN hates Obama's silence:
I’m sure Obama will condemn this immediately/s
TomGuy hates Holder's lack of silence:
Holder just released a statement decrying these assaults.

Ironic, since he and his Bud in the Oval Office have been instigating the situation that lead to these assaults.

These Libs follow a similar pattern: they s*it-stir until a tragedy happens and then they disavow any responsibility.
jospehm20 is sure this is part of Obama's clever plan:
This just seems like the kind of thing Holder has been trying to get going down there since last year. This is the kind of event that Obama and company could use to do all kinds of things.
wardaddy shows up to be unsubtly racist:
It’s not just blacks against cops

It’s blacks against whites and has been for some time....Ben Carson love notwithstanding

Whites just refuse to see it and prefer to self flagellate over frat boy crudeness

It’s basically the brown and black worlds on attack against western civilization aided by the white Kapos of the left

This is Black Liberation Army stuff Is my guess

Or Anarchy kooks
NorthMountain is also stormfrontin'
We have to learn, and quickly, that the blacks have DECLARED WAR ON US. This isn't anti-police, or anti-tyranny ... it's ANTI-WHITE. It's racism taken to the point of murder.

The only remaining question is "what to do about it?"
Blue Jays tries to make the cartoon liberals who live in her head see reason:
The rare possibility I could maybe envision is a liberal couple where the woman demands that her effeminate and chai-sipping husband also votes for the "law and order" candidate if SHE feels their toddlers are threatened by street violence. I am uncertain what else might otherwise convince a true-blue Liberal to do what is best for the country.
tcrlaf is one of many who go with the "They're commin' for our guns!" again.

How soon until Holder’s DOJ people find that the shooter used an “AR-15 with green-tipped ammo”?
lentulusgracchus knows this is just the first domino:
I think they're being led around by the nose, by the hardcore Left cadre that is organizing all this. The question for us is, who is the leadership, and is Obama the "Man Behind the Curtain"? I think he is.

I think Obama, acting through Holder, wants to turn over the city government and PD of Ferguson to an all-black regime, which is what happened in New Orleans and Atlanta after they elected their first black mayors.

For some reason, Obama wants to precipitate that in Ferguson.
livius veers wildly between blaming blacks to Occupy to black-power Obama...
There is definitely a thug underclass in the black population that unfortunately runs too many poor communities and is tolerated by decent black people (although probably in part out of fear).

However, look at the photos of this “black protest.” A huge number of the people I see in it are young whites who have that Occupy or college leftist look, combined with well-dressed older black people, particularly women, who are most certainly not from the ‘hood and are probably all college professors, community organizers, or employed in some other job that gives them the leisure to hang out all night spitting at the police.

Obama is trying very hard to form blacks into a weapon to use against older whites (as well as against Asians and even hard-working Hispanics, who are frequently the victims of black crime), because he has built his power on his portrayal of himself as the leader and avenger of the American black population, despite the fact that he himself is not only not entirely black but not even of African-American descent. So it is very important to him to keep things stirred up and keep this image before their eyes.
kearnyirish2 puts forth some super racist proofs about how blacks are too lazy to riot for long:
The LA riots ended when mailmen wouldn’t enter the war zone (and deliver welfare checks) - that showed no disturbance could last more than a month. While since then it is done electronically, Hurricane Katrina showed that once the food deliveries stop the savages become much more docile (takes much less than a month). In the end, permanently-dependent populations have about as much freedom as a caged zoo animal
SWAMPSNIPER integrates some of the later conspiracies:
Soros involvement doesn’t preclude HAMAS involvement.
But you forgot Valerie Jarrett!!

As he does for most problems, roofgoat recommends violence
to do what has to be done cannot be done in a civilized manner. A civilized approach had to be done many years ago, maybe early 60s, 70s at latest.
Well, dfwgator ain't wrong:
Somebody really wants a race war.


  1. I hereby challenge wardaddy, NorthMountain, and roofgoat to get out from behind their keyboards and off their comfy couches and start the RAHOWA they've been blabbing about for the last 50 years.
    Lets see how that works out for them.

    I also like BlueJay's description of chai-sipping liberal men ... in freepers' minds, any guy who actually uses a washcloth in the shower every once in a while, or brushes his teeth more than once a week is a mertrosexual liberal.

    1. Hell, I challenge them to debate a liberal outside of FR. I remember back in 2008, the now defunct site attracted quite a few Freepers to post anonymously (and me too, of course). Freeper txroadkill wrote me off as a "DU Dummy" and was surprised when I correctly identified him. Insulating themselves in an echo chamber leaves them completely unprepared to deal with liberals.

  2. Freeper wedding lol

    The coolest wedding reception I ever experienced was in a Golden Corral. The bride, groom and wedding party were all nicely dressed for the day. The wedding guests had on their finest attire and best manners. They reserved the large-group room and had a CD player with music on. The management even provided one of the cakes from their buffet with some wedding decorative icing.

    That would be a wedding at about $12 per person for a full buffet. Other people at the restaurant were so impressed that some of us went up to the bride and groom and congratulated them and gave them a small amount of cash as a wedding present.

    Prediction....that couple will not have money problems!
    10 posted on 3/13/2015, 12:22:47 PM by grania
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    1. Well ain't that special. I bet they was concealed carryin', too, like all good Christian Americans.

    2. Of course there was a buffet. Oh FR.

  3. Unprovoked diatribe from JimRob

    1. He likes to rant between thons to show that he still cares

  4. That's pretty rich from a guy on disability, VA benefits and whatever other handouts he gets and grifts off of the freeper faithful every 90 days to support his Olive Garden habit.

  5. Eagles6:
    Liberal outrage meters peg across America.

    Um...exactly what are we supposed to be outraged about?

  6. I'm so outraged about her second soon-to-be-failed marriage. I can hardly contain my outrage.

  7. Oh yeah, that. I'm so outraged about...that.

  8. Oh, that's a train wreck in the making. where's my popcorn
