Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Why People like Obama

Some online poll finds people like Obama, but aren't huge fans of his policies. Not probative, but that's never stopped Freepers before. But they cannot be content with just a political win - Freepers instead despair that anyone might find Obama nice:

Ann Archy's consistent CAPS LOCK ridden hyperbole continues to deliver:
He’s EVIL INCARNATE with a CHEESY SMILE! People are so stupid.
kingattax - faith means never considering other people's points of view.
stupid, yes. but much more blinded by satan.
Truth29...US breeding program?
"Who are these acutely stupid people being polled?"

They are the products of defacto US breeding and education programs akin to the lower castes in Brave New World.
muir_redwoods kind mapes his annoyance at a co-worker onto Obama.
I used to work with a nice guy like obama. He delivered the interrogative mail. He lived in a group home with people who worked as grocery store baggers and agricultural workers. This guy always had an opinion about sports and cars, etc. and was eager to tell you all he knew; over and over again. It took a bit but most people figured out how to politely escape his conversation. We don’t have that luxury with Obama.
Vaquero has decided The Bible miniseries was a documentary:
Why do people think BO is nice? He’s nothing more than a lying bully.
IMR 4350 is sure many people secretly hate Obama but cannot admit it:
White guilt.

A lot of white people still can’t say they don’t like the black guy.
Only Buckeye McFrog knows the Real Obama!
The “likeability” is the result of contrived, carefully managed stagecraft.
Wait'll Dqban22 finds out Reagan was divorced!

Obama, is a great role model for the American youth.

In “Dreams of My Father” Barack Obama bragged about smoking reefer, drinking beer and enthusiastically doing drugs.

minnesota_bound is gonna haul this out forever:
Nice guys do not let men die in Benghazi or leave wounded behind then go to a party afterwards.


  1. "microagress."
    I keep seeing this jargon pop up more and more on FR.
    Is this their latest worry/thing to rail against?
    I don't know what it means.

    1. It's the white cis male version of "walking while black," or so they are trying to make it.

      Bullshit on both sides, really.

    2. My brain hurts.

  2. It's actually making fun of liberal jargon. I believe it comes from some college is trying to make the point that when a black person is forced to be in a room full of whites it should be considered a microagression.

    1. I appreciate the explanations. I really have been trying to figure it out in context, but it wasn't sinking in. Thanks, all.

  3. Speaking of crazy Bible stuff, here's a great thread about how Ouija boards (by the demons over at Hasbro) are satanic and how ghosts are goblins will get you if you use one. This is some great, funny shit right here!


  4. Dr.Mrs.theMonarchMay 27, 2015 at 4:57 AM

    President Obama has been disappointing to me in some ways, but he seems to be a legitimately nice man.
    Pretty much everyone I know likes the man, if not always his policies.
    Freepers hate him for being black, though many wouldn't want to admit to it. Sadly, more and more would not only admit it, they'd be thrilled to scream it at anyone who listens.
    JR doesn't seem to notice (or maybe care) that the more he allows bigoted comments of all types, the faster members walk away and the longer 'thons take.
    The only explanation is that he must love cutting and pasting the same old BS into a new begging thread every day. I'm guessing he doesn't have much to do once "Judge Judy" is done.

    1. I worked on the opposite side of the president in 2012 (yeah, I'm THAT guy again....I chose to sign in on my own name) and I frequently commented to others about how we should always consider Obama an adversary, but that he's a good man. At least in the early part of the camp, many in the higher echelon of the campaign had no ill-will toward the man.

      I would always say "he's a good father, a loving husband...he's just a bit overwhelmed with the office and we need a better administrator."

    2. I'm always encouraged to hear about Republicans who are actually sane. Those who concede that Democrats have good intentions, that they just disagree with the policy. People who are willing to compromise with the other side. It's just too bad that the Republican party has been taken over by crazy nutjobs and the people who listen to them. Hopefully this will be temporary and we can kick the crazies out and get back to real governing.

    3. The average Republican and average Democrat ( about 40 percent of the poulation when added together) are really pretty centrist and vote they way the do because they always vote R or D.

      Now, the other 20 percent or so are the Looney Left and Repressive Right. They'll vote for the craziest, most far left or far right candidate, and then rail against whomever beats that candidate for the next four years.

      Freepers are 1% of that 20%, but think they're the majority in their thinking. Delusion is a powerful drug.
