Thursday, November 8, 2012

Return to the cocoon

FreeperFan finds another one on point!

The lesson is, never learn.

There should be a reckoning. Freepers were soundly repudiated at the ballot box. They are a clear minority of a minority. They can throw their weight around in primaries, but general elections require a change.

But, of course, that reality is something Freepers are well practiced in avoiding. Thus, the rapid growth of the election was stolen thesis. Quiet your concerns, little Freepers, everything is right with the world, 'cept those thieving liberals.

Mr170IQ has been tearing up Free Republic lately with some serious crazy. Birtherism, plans to audit every single vote in Ohio, etc. This is from one of his fraud threads.

Brad’s Gramma needs no evidence to know the Truth:
Of course it was stolen. Very, very meticulously.

We MUST be sure this never happens again. I don’t have a clue HOW, but still..
Fresh Wind knows it was super well organized:
If the rat fraud apparatus is now so well organized that they can arbitrarily decide how many votes to report from any given precinct, it doesn’t matter who the Republicans run. He or she would still lose.
No word on why the Dems let the GOP keep the house.

Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America thinks the UN was in on it. Also, he has some statisticals:
Wouldn't surprise me if those 'mysterious United Nations poll monitors' were in on it from the get-go (besides plain-clothed ACORN, Black Panthers and labor union HACKS).

Was 0bama's victory a sweep of ALL battleground states? WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT HAPPENING? That would mean he should win nearly ALL of the states, right?

Any statisticians here? I say that's impossible and don't say it's because he made appearances there. So did Mitt.
antceecee blames Them... all the way.
They announced for reelection of Obama based on their “math” and statistics. Everything that happened after that was just a formality. I take it they cheated this election... all the way.
Salgak will never know how it was stolen, just that it was:
We’ll never know how it was stolen. And now that the Dems HAVE successfully stolen an election, they dare not allow themselves to lose again: they’d be found out and prosecuted.
He follows up with his plans to be an asshole to liberals, if that's your thing.

Spaulding has no foundation in reality:
The assumptions being made about why this or that group voted as they did has no foundation in real votes. We have no idea of the choices made by voters. There are no data that would satisfy the integrity requirements for real statisticians. Our voting system is designed for corruption. Every computer-based vote counting system can be compromised, and has probably been selected because the interested political classes want to preserve their ability to control elections. Today, paper ballots and local human counts might show that we are a very different nation than the media are reporting about. Their reports are preparing us for the changes some would like to impose on us as a nation.
annieokie has her complicated scenario and cannot be convinced otherwise!
I don't think those machines DROPPED the Romney vote,they just added 3 more to the Obama count.

See, the voter sees the error & thinks the Obama vote was CLEARED off, then made another attempt to vote Romney, 2 more times until it finally HELD the Romney vote.

BUT, internally the machine NEVER CLEARED the Obama vote. So Obama gets 3 votes, Romney gets his ONE VOTE. Pretty nice huh?

One for you, 3 for me, one for you, 3 for me. SEE?

They NEVER DROPPED any votes for anyone, they simply ADDED for the WON. Hocus Pocus. OH, LOOKIE Lookie OBAMA WINS, suprise, suprise, acting all suprised.

No one can convince me otherwise, it was those machines. With all the Technology out there, anything is possible these days.


  1. it's so devious. I would expect nothing less from the evil one.

  2. Has anyone else developed a real hatred for any FReepers? I've grown to really despise the user manc. I'd love to get his contact info . . .

    1. "Hatred" would be the wrong word. I don't hate them any more than I hate a guy who does some stupid stunt that gets himself severely injured then puts the video up on YouTube.

  3. Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America asks "Was 0bama's victory a sweep of ALL battleground states? WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT HAPPENING? ... Any statisticians here?"

    Yet if Nate Silver himself showed up to give them the statistics they would label him a partisan hack and claim that his mathematics is "witchcraft".

  4. Look at this,

    "I jokingly said on 'CONGRATULATE PRESIDENT OBAMA ON HIS RE ELECTION' Facebook page and I made a suggestion for a gift for President Obama: 'Two tickets to a play, or a parade in Dallas'...and boy, did the liberals on that page go crazy. Did not go over well!
    So why are liberals SORE WINNERS...?"

    Obama has won, liberals, so why are you so ANGRY?

    1. Reading through the thread, I noticed massive projection and pointing at liberals for doing things they themselves do. If they had any self-awareness at all, they wouldn't be so funny.

    2. "I was just wishing the president died and for some reason everyone got offended !"

  5. Is it just me? No way there can be this many total asshats on FR. There must be a 50/50 mix of idiots and agent provocateurs.
