It does annoy me how the Clinton's recent actions play directly into the narrative Freepers have of them. The smugness about this on Free Republic is palpable. cvq3842 is no exception.It’s interesting how the Democrats are discovering (or allowing themselves to see, at last) what the Clintons really are.
The ONLY thing different about Obama and all the other many targets of the Clintons’ dirty tricks and smears is his political persuasion.
It’s our turn to tell the Dems, “we told you so.”
Yes, all is going acording to Hillary's plan to nearly lose the primary election. This will strengthen her in the end, I'm sure. After all, as dinoparty has pointed out, she's damn near omnipotent, so you nothing can be done - unless you are a Freeper.I think he thought that he would get a pass because he’s just “doing it out of love for his wife.” Not so.
Still, I wouldn’t count them out yet — they are very good at being slimy, and this is all a part of a master scheme, I am sure.
Some legacy Bill is building....he’s taking his chance to overcome what he did as President and flushing it. Class tells.Same hate, slightly different target. cpdiii (OIL FIELD TRASH AND PROUD OF IT, GEOLOGIST, PILOT, PHARMACIST.) does have an ironic handle, though.
The boy is nothing but trailer park trash dressed in a Fifth Avenue custom tailored suit.
Nice pop psychology, dfwgator (11+7+15=3 Heismans) so why would he avoid going back into the White House again?I’m convinced Bill doesn’t want Hillary to win POTUS.
The only reason they are still married is for Hillary’s aspirations. Once it’s clear that she will never be POTUS, then there is no reason for Bill to stay with her anymore.
Of course Bill is going through the motions, but I think he knows exactly what he is doing with his recent statements.