Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Romney Returns!

So McCain is thinking running mate...
He's meeting with Jindal and Crist, and reportedly *shudder* ole Mittens Romney.
Crist, it seems...not so much. Caipirabob (Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?) is representative of most of the opinion:
I've been softening on McCain given the alternative, but no way will I put Crist even near the White House. He's a tree-hugging, man-buggering freak who can't achieve anything meaningfully conservative.
Jindal - Some like him, but most agree with Extremely Extreme Extremist (Bipartisanship: Two wolves and the American people deciding what's for dinner)
Jindal ought to be ashamed of himself. He needs to stay in LA and clean that state up. He's raw, he just got elected Governor. He has no business trying to be McCain's VP.

Then, there's Romney...
Mitt is the only one I would consider voting for the ticket.
if if is crist i will vote for bambi. the good news, we would lose him as governor.
says libbylu
Great. Romney is like the perfect demagogue. He's changed every position, told people in Michigan he'll bring their jobs back, said anything it took to get into power. And it didn't take, thank God. But now he's back. Or might be back. It's like the beginning of the sequel to the horror movie where there are suspicious signs that the monster may be back, but nothing's concrete yet.
I'm never getting to sleep tonight.

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