Wednesday, July 23, 2008

UK: Doctors to be banned from dishing out antibiotics for sore throats & colds

Freepers react to public sentiment being against them by distorting reality around him more and more.

Witness health care. As demand to adopt a more universal system grows, Freepers see Europe's universal health policies as being more and more disastrous.

Looking at the UK's new policy not to hand out antibiotics as Chiclets, its a wonder Englishmen aren't all dead by now!

G Larry sees the deadly side of sore throats:

Socialized medicine means DYING IN LINE!

The concept makes liberals feel good, because everybody has an insurance card.The fact that nobody is able to receive medical care, is of no consequence to them.

Wow, liberals like universal care because they love cards? Who knew? I would also like to point out that this is in response to an article about Britan's policies re: cold treatments! Not a lot of Dying in Line potential there, chief.

G Larry again:

Cheap, antiquated, treatment is allowed.
Effective, new treatment is not.
Antibiotics are new and efective on colds now? Well, to be fair mayby G Larry is like a hundred years old, and remembering when consumption was the scourge of the land.

mysterio shows us how close to home this problem is:

A lot of kids will die if they stop treating bacterial throat infections and secondary bacterial infections from viral upper respiratory tract infections.

This is the trend in the US as well. My local doctor's office recently put up a sign in every waiting room explaining to the average patient that they don't need antibiotics. The sad part is that many do and they aren't getting them.

And yes, I studied a great deal of micro in grad school.

mysterio studied micro, and knows how much the average patient needs antibiotics.

Diogenesis's prediction of UK's future isn't crazy at all:

Coming: Only Moslems will be tested for beta-strep.

Only Moslems in UK will get medical care.

The dhimmis ... will get what they deserve

Okay, I lied. There was a whole bucket o crazy in that post.

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