Thursday, August 21, 2008

Has anybody EVER heard of Rachel....Maddow?

So I'm listening to Rachel Maddow, and see Free Republic is talking about her. Too meta to resist!

meandog tries for the funny.
You might say "he" has a "split" personality...

See, cause she's a lesbian, so calling her a "he" is hilarious! Plus "split" could mean vagina! The quotes just add to the awesomeness of this "joke."

RadioCirca1970 has some issues
What’s amazing is that the gay community wants to be fully accepted by America, YET, they continue to self segregate themselves as Gay-Host, Gay Teacher, Gay Presidential Candidate, etc. Why can’t Rachel Maddow be a TV host. Oh yeah, it would undercut her identity politics that she has used to get the gig.

Just like Conservatives - why do Conservatives gotta be so proud about it? Couldn't they just be people?

Kimmers has a prediction...of the FUTURE!
When her show gets axed because of poor ratings she will blame it on the
homophobia of Americans. It will have nothing to do with liberal dribble.

'Cause Rachel Maddow totally can't stop talking about being gay and using it as a crutch. I love how the Freepers know her without, you know, knowing her!

Blood of Tyrants objects to the characterization of Maddow's radio show as "popular."
Err America is POPULAR? How many listeners do they have? 500? Err America is s[o] "popular" that they can't even get liberals to buy advertising time so they rely
on the likes of George Soros to PAY to keep the show on the air!

Soros! That guys is EVERYWHERE!

BigSkyFreeper goes on a bit of a tangent...a gay tangent:

LOL! I also thought it was hilarious to see the reaction on my mom's face when I told her Anderson Cooper was gay. She said "But... But... He's got a girlfriend!", and I said "Yeah, so did Rock Hudson. He had a bunch of them."

Tom Cruise is gay. John Travolta too.

Yes! Gay people EVERYWHERE! Wait, I mean No! Curses!

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