Thursday, November 20, 2008

Obama vs. Al-Qaida: Whoever wins, Freepers lose.

The hated Islamists insulted the hated Obama today. Hilarity ensues:

Frantzie manages to prevent Free Republic's enemies from fighting, keeping the hatred front unified!

Smokescreen. Al Qaida is buddies with O’s buddies in Hamas and Islamic rotherhood. This comment was designed to rally Americans around O. O is their boy.

The sainted jveritas has decided the problem is that we're paying attention to the wrong AlQaida bluster:

The most important statement by terrorist Zawahiri is his opening statement where he said that the elections of Obama is a Victory for Al Qaeda because according to Zawahiri the American people admitted defeat in Iraq, refused President Bush policies in Iraq, and hence they elected Obama.
The liberal media ignored this very damaging statement to Obama and picked up on the racial slur by terrorist Zawahiri.

It's not the calling Obama a "house negro," it's when Al Qaida says they are big winners!

ShiveringShegetz totally had some pretty high expectations for Obama:

I thought Barack’s winning the election was going to be a transformational moment in how the world sees us... Weren’t the oceans supposed to stop rising? Wasn’t this the moment when man no longer exploited man and every poster of Stalin and Che Guevarra could be hung without some reactionary complaining?

I guess they lied.

alloysteel has decided to throw in with Al Qaida on this one:

Perhaps al-Zawahri is simply speaking a truth tha white leftists in this country elieve but would NEVER say out loud, that Obama is a “house Negro”.
That term seems to have connotations of envy and condescension all at the same time. The majority of Americans of African descent, who had slave forebearers, cannot connect with the mixed-race Barry Soetero on ANY level, as his African ancestors were probably the ones that sold the ancestors of the slave population in this country INTO slavery.
That unsourced statement that Obama's ancestors probably sold slaves is awesome.

UglyinLA also agrees with AQ:

Al-Qaida has just defined Barack’s legacy
Think word associations

  • JFK - assasination
  • Nixon - Watergate
  • Jimmy Carter - Hostages
  • Reagan - Pride
  • GHW Bush - taxes
  • Clinton - Monica
  • GW Bush - 911
  • Obama - House Negro
      • mkjessup doesn't exactly agree with Al-Qaida, but he can't pass up the opportunity for some racism:
        0bama might get p*ssed off and decide to really wipe al Qaeda off the map, because as they might say in Chicago “they be effin wid da wrong n*gga!”
        And I couldn't work in how to mention when they call Michell Obama the "First Baby Mama"

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