Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Changing the subject

Much like mainstream Democrats have learned after 30 years about gun control, Freepers know that their stance on abortion is a loser politically. Thus, Freepers will do whatever they can to obfuscate, while still holding onto their self-image as victimized ideologues.

Hence, after a day of "Me and God will just cheer the murder of a doctor on from the sidelines, thanks. No word on the women asking for the service," Freepers are eager to change the subject to another murder. This time it was some soldiers, as opposed to a public figure. Needless to say, the inevitable asymetry in press coverage is suddenly a much bigger story than some guy Freepers are glad is dead.

thinks our soldiers need FBI bodyguards:

Baby killer - sympathy and coverage; Obama speech; FBI protection

Soldier who protects our nation - nada

The suicidal Lib way....

Jeb21 goes even further - liberals love them some soldier killing!

No. They will applaud this as a courageous act against the American imperialists.

yldstrk has a lot to add:

killed by a stinky mooselimb

But what if the news actually pick up the story, as they have? MrB has the answer:

They might feign outrage...

So even if there is no evidence of this strawman, it's just cause the liberals lying!

Spok agrees.

The ABC News website is suddenly leading with the story about the recruiter shooter. Apparently ABC has been listening to Hannity, or Ingram or O’Reilly or the FR, but IMO this is nothing but the MSM doing damage control after getting called on yet another HUGE hypocrisy. Sorry ABC, too little, too late.

Yes, ABC takes its cues from Hannity:

takes this whole strawman action to its logical conclusion:

We live, mentally, in one America, liberals live in another.

I'll say!

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