Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Obama mentions Immigration to say he's not going to mention immigration. It's interesting - a lot of Freepers have their rage trained on the health care and town meetings, but there are a lot of others for whom illegals are their big issue. Thus, there is a total lack of message discipline:

PIF splits the difference. Calling Obama racist is always in style:

Message translation: “You right-wing honkies ait seen nuten yet.”

La Lydia thinks Obama is a fool:

He hasn’t been in politics long enough, and certainly wasn’t in the Senate long enough, to have a feel for how election timing impacts the chances of controversial legislation passing. And apparently none of his wiz-bang staff have a clue, either.

Go Gordon, on the other hand, thinks Obama is one of them tactical geniuses:
It is a brilliant move on [Obama's] part. He will hold immigration reform hostage to passage of his health care package. Extortion from the community organizer. That way, he can get all the illegals on his side of the healthcare debate + international pressure from those that want to see our borders split wide open.

Hopefully it backfires because he pisses off everyone over cap n tax and healthcare and loses the trust of the masses.
KTM rider is a one issue guy, but not how most of the other posters are:
fear the islamic tidal wave
traditional1 is a more traditional immigration comspiracy guy:

There is no question of their thefts in the Minnesota election, in their quashing of ballots and acceptance of phoney ACORN early and absentee ballots in Ohio (Jennifer Brunner saw to that; their operative there), and the 97% black voter support of The Messiah shows where we've come.

Add all the millions of illegals that will soon be granted amnesty, and their voting will be for Democrats, too, just to keep the handouts coming....
plain talk brings matter back to stuff that might actually damage Obama:

Translation - I want to pass health care before the people realize how many illegal aliens it applies to.

Way to read the bill, chief.

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