Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday potpourri.

Eye of Unk knows what Obama really is:

An Alien/Predator Islamic/Communist Dictator/Usurper might be a more definitive explanation of what he is.

The first and last black President of the USA.

Shooter 2.5 on why so many Jews are liberals:
Most jews have a martyrdom complex. "It's poor little us and someday it's going to happen to me because it's God's will. Oh, well, what can you do about it".
cameraeye on why health care will wori:
It will not start until 2014 and most of the sick people now will have died by then!The real kicker is they get to pay for it for three years or more. Tell that to a demoncrat.
All the sick people will be dead! What a nefarious plot!

ATOMIC_PUNK has a list of freedoms Obama has taken away from him:
Oh mr Obama I enjoyed my health care when i had it

I Enjoyed the way my Doctor treated me like a human Being

I enjoyed not having a hassle Getting the drugs i need for my heart and my Diabetes that i can no longer get

I Cherished being able to go to the doctor and paying just a copay Knowing my job and my pay took care of the rest of the bill

I do not enjoy having to ask a government agency to feed my family and to find out im only eligible to feed them for 2 months then i have to fend for myself

I think he just lost his job, and is blaming Obama that the saftey net isn't good enough?

riri is not happy Beck is too crazy to toe the Freeper line properly:
Beck is appearing to be controlled opposition.
Blood of Tyrants is not happy texbooks won't be publishing the "sekrit Muslin" side of Obama:

If liberals write the history about [Obama], you will not recognize who it is.

Cheetahcat on Princess Diana:

If [Pincess] Diana was home with her kids she would be still alive

ZULU would like to add this to the Diana subject:
She was a beautiful woman and her motives were right, but her dalliance with that damn Muslim was unforgivable.
ZULU was on a roll last week. He delves into his philosophy:

I don;t trust Educators and I don’t give a damn WHERE they came from.

They are, for the most part, anti-Western, Anti-Judaeo-Christian, ant-American, and pro-cultural relativism.

Candor7 on Obama's endgame:
Obama likely already has a dictator style safe house/estate somewhere in Africa.

Obama has the support of people like Robert Mugabe and their dictator's network of national socialism based on Rev. Wright style black supremacist racial superiority.

And the people of America elected this thing into office? The suffering Obama will ceate has only just begun.

1 comment:

  1. most educators are ant american ? meaning they are not human but rather ants from america ?
