Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Tom Coburn is quite Conservative. But when he of the Schiavo video-tape diagnosis called Nancy Pelosi a "nice lady" who he disagrees with, Freepers howl for his head:

Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus
knows what has to happen:

Well that’s it, obviously Coburn has been coopted. Time to run a Tea Party Party candidate against him.

Yay! Tea Party!

UCFRoadWarrior thinks Nancy paid him to say she was nice, or some such:

Coburn now bought and paid for by DC $$$$$

Mr Coburn, do not let the screen door hit your arse on the way out of conservatism.....

patriot preacher jumps to conclusions like some sort of schizophrenic tigger:
Coburn....Is done. Tell me he’s not cowtowing to the Statists? Tell me he’s not just making sure he’s got his little niche in the Regime once they do away with those pesky elections and put Washington DC in charge of EVERYTHING. Tell me Coburn is up for reelection this year? Tell me he has a REAL Conservative primary opponent?!
itsahoot knows why you can't call the opposition nice - it'll turn you liberal!

Orin Hatch's best friend was Ted Kennedy, God only knows what is in the water up there, but this is bad.

The enemy has no friends, only Useful Idiots. When will we ever learn, every Okie knows from experience, when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
LA Woman3 knows the reason behind this sudden turn to liberalism:

There must be a “little blackmail book” in DC.....

1 comment:

  1. It may surprise liberals and conservatives that the people in Washington, even though they may disagree with each other on policy, are actually friends! I know, the horror! Actually being friends with someone you disagree with rather than hating them with every fiber of your being!
