Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Obama keeps detainees in jail forever, but he doesn't really mean it.

The DC Circuit says that detainees held at Bagram have no habeas rights. The Obama admin is the one that appealed and won this case. Not too liberal an action (hell, even I'm pissed about it, and I'm no partisan).
Freepers effortlessly keeps the cognitive dissonance going, though.

HiTech RedNeck

Bummer only wants to be liberal with your resources. He is tightwad with his.


MadMax, the Grinning Reaper makes up facts and proves this is a huge victory for Bush!
this is a VICTORY for Pres. Bush and his anti-terrorism policies.

Obama was forced to pursue the appeal which was probably initiated by the Bush Administration (not sure I saw this spelled out in the article).

Obie also get bitchslapped by Congress regarding closing GITMO. Even the Democrats voted to keep it open.

BUSH 2: Obama - ZERO

Well, with those facts, sure.

UAConservative just assumes liberal hypocrisy, not paying any attention to what liberals are actually saying

According to the RATs, it’s only illegal when they’re not in power. Whenever the socialists get control of something, then nothing’s off-limits.

manc knows what Obama was thinking, which belays his illiberal actions.

my thoughts too, this is no win for nobama at all , he probably wants them to appeal and was crying as the other far left kooks were about them being held there

the hypocrisy by the left nuts is astounding
BCR #226 has a great question:

Wait a minute, weren’t the libtards fighting to prevent terror suspects from being held like that? Now they are applauding it? Make up your fraking minds people!!!!


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