Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Freepers try to keep the "Obama will end America" meme alive as nothing continues to happen:

DoughtyOne can't believe America is still here.

I can’t believe we don’t have Communist Block Captains and the People’s Reproductive Services knocking on our doors every few days. That has to be coming...

Saved by sinister ellipsis!

Eye of Unk adds some authentic birther flavor:

Just a daily reminder that Obama FAILED TO QUALIFY as POTUS.

His Executive Orders mean jack squat, nothing.

One of the most patriotic duties all Americans should also perform on a daily basis is to disobey any bill or law Obama has signed.

It IS the right thing to be a dissenting Patriot.

Disobey any laws Obama has signed? Like what, stop getting health insurance?

MadMax, the Grinning Reaper on how Obama is over:
The death of the Obama marxist regime starts November 2, 2010 and the death blow is November 2012.

Lots of fighting ahead but we are locked, loaded, trained, and ready to take to the streets to promote good patriotic candidates against Obama’s Marxist Horders and Chicago Criminal thugs.

Now is the time for all patriots to come to the defense of our country.

Locked and loaded and...ready to vote!

Frank_2001 still predicts tyranny:

Probably will be an internal security police like the Cuban G2. They can pick recruits from the SEIU and the Fruit of Islam.....

Needless to say, when America doesn't end, it'll be because of Freepers' pure hearts and noble efforts.

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