Neoliberalnot Seems to think black people are lynching white folks:
Great, the leader of the Black Klan inciting riots. I thought there were laws against this?? Why is the Black Klan allowed to get away with this? Selective enforcement of the law??? I see.oh8eleven wants us to know all black people blame whitey for everything:
The "black" problems back in the day could all be attributed to whitey. White teachers, white school boards, white mayors, white city councils, white policemen, etc. All racists don't 'ya know.I see my hands can't wait for the race war:
The claim - wait until blacks take over all those jobs and everything will be "outta sight" ... Chocolate Cities. FAIL.
Do it. You people have taken enough of the white man's wealth. Maybe you better watch out for our revolt.
Kenny Bunk thinks Maya Angelou is proof of racism against white poets:
Giving instruction ... or god forbid, correction or criticism ... to an African-American at any level causes loss of self-esteem and is racist.
This is insidious, causing otherwise normal people to consider, among other aberrations, Maya Angelou a poet.
I live in PG County also and the public schools are horrible for the white children. If you go on youtube and type in Wise HS fights, you can see the problems I couldnt imagine sending my 2 girls to this hell hole without weapons.
And too make it even more crazy WIse HS is a brand new school, and its built next to Obama Elementary...lmao.
1. Note that the school is bad only for whites. Who cares how it is for nonwhites?
2. The key to keeping your kids safe from school fights is weapons.
3. This lady, when talking about how important her daughter's education is, should worry about typing more.
Neoliberalnot thinks blacks are just geneticly dumber, like dog breeds!
Just as there are differences in intelligence between breeds of dogs, there are differences between breeds of humans. It isn’t that complicated folks. You can’t turn a Bassett Hound into a Border Collie by moving him to the training school of the stock dog. Get over the stupid claims promoted by political correctness and see the truth.
jimt would like to take this moment to hate Mexicans
It's always fun to go into a store when there's one of these nice folks in there with their five or six undisciplined little creeps. Running all over, shouting (in Spanish of course), ripping into packages, rearranging stuff on the shelves - while mamasita does nothing about it. And if you speak to mamasita, something like "Excuse me, could I get past ?" she ignores you. She also leaves used disposable diapers in the parking lot as she steals the shopping cart to take her groceries and ninos home. She leaves the shopping cart on the sidewalk in front of her neighbor's home so the roving store trucks can pick it up.
Funny there's none of those problems with typical Americans of latin descent. But then they speak English, too, and have morals and manners. Unlike the excrement oozing across our borders.
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