Friday, June 3, 2011

In Darkest Africa

White Farmers are getting intimidated off their land in Zimbabwe. That is really awful. Freepers, needless to say, take things a bit too far:

Gator113 is still reveling in the new Freeper word for black people:

Holder’s people look restless.

Revolting cat! is drawing all sorts of racial conclusions:

A civilized country destroyed. And no one, no one in the civilized world, including many of us here, is willing to recognize the cause, to name the villains, the barbarians, the race, the inferiority of one human culture over others.

Carry on, the guilt ridden.

Revolting cat! also has a solution:

Re-colonize the savages!

Fuck yeah slavery!

Lurker is pissed the whites don't have the balls to kill all the darkies:
Any white farmer left in Rhodesia needs to escape by any means necessary. They've already shown they don't have the stomach to do what's necessary so they should run like the cowards they are.
Redleg Duke knows the blacks can't handle themselves:
Left to themselves, the blacks in Zimbabwe will be starving and eventually the Chinese will be their new colonial masters, and they won’t be near as civilized as the Brits were.
...the Chinese?

Cheetahcat thinks this ethnic cleansing is basically like Affirmative Action:
Same thing happening here, the inferior taking over via Affirmative Action large sections of Government and Business.
Iron Munro thinks blacks in America will soon take over:
America In The Year 2020


  1. Say it with me now...

    "And they wonder why we call them racists."

    I feel like a broken record. Racism is so easy to find on Free Republic these days.

  2. @euphgeek
    Pretty much the only correct thing that you said. Now if libs would face up to their own racism too, we can start from there

  3. I don't frequent DU or anything, but do they post stuff about hunting feral blacks there?

    No doubt the left has it's fringe bigots, but the right's seem to be louder and more numerous.

  4. Links or it didn't happen.

  5. @euphMoron,

    There were links in DU circa 2004, and guess what I cannot find them now. But on WSJ, there is a uber-liberal user called called "radiofreenicki". Read her posts on Indians.

    Ohh, and here is another libruul in libruul MA

    And here is Ruben Navarette Jr, talking on liberal racism

    And some more,

    There are plenty of examples, euphturd and you can see it if you get your head out of your ass.

  6. @euphturd,

    Another example

    Money quote: "the Vietnamese and the Republicans are trying to take away this seat".

  7. Bringing out the insults already? That's a sure sign of someone with absolutely no argument, but I'll look at your links anyway. Although I won't go through one poster's entire posting history to try to find comments you might find "racist" just because you think it "proves" liberal racism. If you have some examples, post them here.

    The woman in Massachusetts: Why do you assume she's a liberal, because she lives in MA? Is your argument that no conservatives live there?

    As for your other 2 links, I never said there was no liberal racism. It's just a lot more plentiful and epidemic on conservative sites like Free Republic. Racism pervades their philosophy on how to deal with things like immigration, welfare and war in a way it just doesn't on the left.

    So you may be able to find a few quotes from some liberals that I'll agree are racist but until you can point to a way that it directs Democratic policy the way it does with Republicans, there's really no comparison.
