Thursday, December 11, 2014

GOP's Spending Bill not very Freepy

So far, the GOP seems to have opted for something approaching sanity. The omnibus spending bill they're circulating doesn't cut off spending on Obamacare or immigration enforcement. This lack of brinksmanship does not sit well with the right, naturally.

Amusingly, this gets derailed into a discussion of what Freepers can do about Congress not taking the midterms as an endorsement of Jim Robinson for Philosopher King. The various flavors of nothing are pretty funny.

And, meanwhile, the pressure continues to build for the GOP to do something nutty and showy.

From where I sit, these midterms turned out pretty awesome.

RJS1950 plans for the Civil War:
Hey you GOPe dimwits. When the dam breaks and we come with torches and pitchforks it won’t just be for the POS democrats; it will be for POS YOU as well.

Expletives on the level of my bootcamp DI can’t possibly express my extreme hatred for both democrats and the GOPe.
Thanks for dropping how you were in the military, too! Very subtle.

maddog55 is gonna be disappointed:
Boehner & McConnell HAVE to go.
concerned about politics again with the backstabbing:
I am SO sick of these traitorous pukes.

I'll second that. They stab us in the back every time. EVERY TIME!
FlingWingFlyer posts barely coherent layers of right wing memes:
The commie 'RATS have put the lives of all Intelligence agency personnel and their families in danger and the GOOBers return the favor by giving the commie 'RATS a trillion dollars. You can't fix stupid and the GOOBers are stupid. Merry Christmas from Frau Feinswine and her camel jockey loving Nazi comrades. I'm so ashamed of this country. I can see why so many REAL Americans are giving up their citizenship. Being an American isn't what it once was.

FU Feinswine and McCain. Nazi bastards.
huldah1776 is in slavery mode, like the Jews of Exodus:
I’ve been in slavery mode since the 2008 election. I’m sure those in the administration are happy to hear that.

Thing is, in the OT when God judged Israel for turning their backs on Him and sacrificing their kids, those who were slaves were the only survivors. Those who went to Egypt or stayed in Israel died. Those who had them in slavery and killed the others, were the inhabitants of the no longer existing city of Babylon.

What comes around, goes around. We are being invaded. We don’t listen to God (as a nation) and when we cry out to Him like after 9/11, He will not listen to us. He hears the screams of the innocent unborn. For Israel it will be 40 years for legalized abortion in 2016. Our 40 years are up.
World President Satan in 2016, I guess.

stephenjohnbanker - 100% treason..............................
100% treason...............anyone surprised? The Chamber of Commerce wants a decent return on their investment in RINOS
driftdiver is one of a few to turn to the impotent but ordered comfort of tin-foil.
There is a reason they are doing this; Agenda 21 or One World Govt.
GeoPie has pretty clearly never read Orwell.
Wake up!

Read 1984 and animal farm. The two party system is an illusionary distraction! Sadly, 99.9% of americans really believe it...even when reality totally contradicts it.
OK, enough angry thrashing. quesney makes things interesting:

Y’all complain. Same ol’ expressions of disdain, disgust and outrage. Here. On conservative talk shows. Limbaugh yaps. Levin yaps. Palin yaps. Blah, blah, blah.

And at the end of the day... nothing changes. The country continues to go downhill. Obama gets away with whatever he wants and RINOs look out for their own pockets.

Aren’t we past hollow expressions of outrage at this point? They are pointless.
Alas, quesney does not respond when Freepers inquire what her plans are.

dware is totally planning to not vote GOP this time, guys!
ANyone that votes GOP in the next election is an idiot, plain and simple. These traitorous wretches must be taught a lesson, and be removed from office, even if it means the D’s take over. At this point, GOP voters are nothing more than abused women, taking the abuse over and over again...”But I love him!” Not this former GOP voter. I don’t vote for spineless, America - hating leftists, whether or not there’s an “R” next to their name. I’m done.
dware makes a vow.
Morons, idiots, America-hating leftists...all describe the GOP. I will NOT vote for another. No, not even if Cruz runs. If Cruz wants my vote, he'll need to run as an independent/libertarian/constitution party candidate, period. I'm done with the GOP.
Better keep an eye on him, come 2016. I presume his pride won't let him flip flop. So, zotted, or fades away/makes a new account?

bicyclerepair knows the best response is boasts on the Internet.
Who is John Galt.
yorkiemom keeps a tight budget...for freedom!
QUIT feeding the fascist beast.

Anybody who can needs to adjust their income to pay little in taxes. That’s what we are doing next year. We’ll have our own Harden Hollow (as opposed to a Galt’s Gulch).
kelly4c goes the tiresome nihilistic Greene66 rout, that mostly entails angry anti-American Internet activities.
This American no longer has a country. I’m a stranger living in a foreign land. SO many here are struggling and they HAND OUT our hard-earned money to South Americans that JUST came over here. Well, I didn’t ask them to come, I don’t want them here, and screw them for taking our money but more so screw this banana Republic gub’mint for dishing it out. Oh and don’t you just love it when they go on other forums and taunt us with their “We turning USA brown haha” and “We’re taking our land back from you white people jaja.” talk?
Timber Rattler:
So where’s the “lesser evil” crowd these days?
Oh, they'll be along shortly.


  1. FlingWingFlyer really likes saying "Feinswine."

  2. I wonder if kelly4c knows that Mexico is in North America...?
