Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday Potpourri Pt. 2

stephenjohnbanker says what Indiana is straining not to say:
Back in the closet!!

Where they belong!
chajin feels useless, and wants to be a martyr:
For the first time in my life, I am beginning to understand why so many Christians in the time of Diocletian clamored for martyrdom. For all of the troubles in my life, there is something inherently unjust about my sitting in an air-conditioned Florida home office, looking out over a peaceful back yard, while my brothers and sisters in Christ are being brutally martyred around the world. When the gun is pointed at my chest, may God grant the courage to stand with Him in my dying breath.
donna defines rape waaaay down:
Forcing Christians to participate in gay sexual ceremonies and activities is rape.
concerned about politics on the rampant heterosexuality of aggressive sports.
Why in the world would real men who follow “aggressive” sports care a whit about the queers? The sponsors may believe the threats they receive from the fascist gaystapo, but it seems like normal men would puke if a homo even tried to approach them let alone get them to join them in their quest for world domination.
blueunicorn6 tries to pander to the youth:
Paleface Lizzy is 65. She’s the youthful face of the Democrat Party.

Come on college students! Vote for wrinkles!
arthurus thinks after school programs are the road to fascism.
They are cost-effective for the government’s purpose which is to keep the children out of their parents’ control a bit longer and keep them in the institutional setting to get them used to being cogs of the state machine.
Dilbert San Diego is confused by this new mania for Civil Rights:
I will never understand how homosexuals, and liberals in general, came to have so much power in this country.
MeganC wants to kill all the gays, as every civilization did throughout her weird version of history:
I now understand why every society that wants to endure periodically purges these people as they are inherently destructive of all of the good and decent things that make for a successful society. These people can no more coexist with decent people than radical Muslims can peacefully coexist with Jews or anyone else.
MarkRegal05 blames being in the tiny, bigoted minority on a vast government conspiracy:
Really, it seems like it’s Christian-Conservatives versus Everyone-Who-Isn’t-Christian-Conservatives these days.

There are the queers, their manipulated families, other pervs with ulterior motives, academia, entertainment, the news media, the Chamber of Commerce, demented Democrats, squishy Republicans, and now - the 500-ton behemoth - Corporate Amerika.

It’s amazing how something was so common-sense ten years ago, and now it’s considered bigotry. My sense is that the government is driving this behind the scenes. This has all been too convenient, too coordinated.
E. Pluribus Unum likes him a Michelle Obama is a man joke!
It’ll be great to have a woman as FLOTUS again.

The Great RJ can't help but relate every foreign terrorist attack to a dry run against America:
Another rehearsal for similar attacks by Somali terrorists in the US. There are many smaller colleges that have minimal if any security on campus and would be easy targets for trained terrorists who had already rehearsed such an attack. Their previous rehearsal was the attack on a US style shopping mall in Kenya. Interesting how Al-Shabaab has recently called for attacks on shopping malls in the US ...especially the Mall of America in Minneapolis which has a larger Somali population than Mogadishu.
GOPJ has finally found a poll he trusts - Cable News ratings!
Liberals would have us believe that the vast majority of Americans are liberal. Yet a dedicated liberal news channel has microscopic ratings. What the heck???

Because TV ratings are real... (Gallop stood up to democrats when they wanted him to lie and cheat) liberal elites can't manipulate TV numbers... Liberal elite AstroTurf ‘protest’ and suck up shills in the press can't overcome truthful numbers... That's how we know the country doesn't give a damn about liberal beliefs’ or propaganda. Citizens refuse to watch the lies on MSNBC.

And telephone surveys?

If YOU lived in Communist China or North Korea - and a poll taker called and wanted YOU to go on record about how you felt - you would parrot the party line. Just like Americans are starting to do... we sense the boot being lowered to our faces...
Rather then climate change, thirst4truth blames the California drought on God's curse.
No water? God is getting pissed, drought is a tough punishment. Not sure if even God's finger is on this country anymore, lots of believers but all seem to be cowards. Now with the "reprobates" running the show, it will only get worse and with the amount of hatred out there for Christians and the Jews worldwide, it is going to get ugly.

Did you notice how our POTUS never commented on the genocide of Christians taking place in Iraq and Syria? These Christian communities have been around since the first century church, now they are all gone, never to return.
MaxMax is pretty excited about how that one pizza shop who won't cater gay weddings is now super rich.
The Homosexual Marxists keep posting on the fund site, and people are upping their contributions.
I would like to see this hit 500k by the end of the week, and blame the fagots for causing the tsunami
of cash flow to this Woman and Family who justly deserve it.

She is the victim and the Freaks are claiming they're the Victim while attacking her!
Those faggots should be hunted down and charged with hate crimes against religion.
blueunicorn6 has a Bergdahl conspiracy theory:
I think Hillary and Obama were stealing Qadaffi’s fortune in Libya. That is why Hillary needed an off-the-record intelligence operation. She needed to find Qadaffi’s fortune.

The Libyans figured it out and hit us at Benghazi for hostages to trade for Qadaffi’s fortune. They got an Ambassador and 40 CIA employees.

So, how do Hillary and Obama pay off billions in blackmail? They won’t use their money. Soros won’t pay. They have to find sneaky ways to pay the blackmail.

This is why six billion dollars are missing from the State Department.

They are smart enough to know that if they get caught paying blackmail for their thievery, they’ll go to jail. So they have to have a cover story.

“Yeah, we paid our enemies, but it was to get our hero Bergdahl back.”

Sneaky con men and thieves.

That is what they are afraid Gowdy will find out.
Gen.Blather illustrates why market forces will not solve discrimination:
I knew a bar manager. He said you can have one black in the band. When you have two or more blacks take that as a signal that this is a black bar. They come in before the cover charge, occupy the best seats and nurse one beer the whole night. They’re nasty and threatening to whites, running them out. Then you get your first shooting and you’d might as well shut down then because the bar is finished for white, trendy money spending patrons. You won’t even fill it at lunch. You can’t replace white patrons with black patrons because they don’t spend enough money.

Locally there’s a historically black college. I can’t recall a homecoming game where somebody wasn’t shot at or near a party. Usually, the shooters were uninvited guests.
1010RD knows feral blackness starts with teaching evolution.
It starts in HS with the combination of Marxist history/ethnic studies teachers and the ‘science’ teacher’s Darwinism. Toss in the racist beliefs of liberals and you get a group of people who have been groomed to misbehave because that’s what black people do.
Lou L is horrified at the black enthusiasm for graduating High School:
Around these parts, those that actually do make it to high school graduation are sent off in "style." We always hear stories about how, in the public schools, they have special "graduation rules" for some families. Apparently, as the graduate's name is called, whole cheering sections of family and related friends, cousins and ne'er-do-wells stand up and raise a raucous. It gets so bad that the graduation ceremony had to be stopped for 5 minutes or longer. Naturally, when these families were asked to "be considerate of the other students, they took great offense and pulled their race cards.

So the kids that do get to their high school graduation are shown that if played the right way, there's a different set of rules for them.


  1. I hope someone does a follow up on Memories Pizza in a year to see how all that money (approaching $900K now) has been squandered on swimming pools and ATVs and jet skis and a cheaply built McMansion, and a convoy of Cadillacs.

    Either that, or some fast talking mega-church "reverend" is going to cheat them out of all of it.

  2. blueunicorn6 has a point, though. Democrats have dropped the ball on generating a deep bench of young, healthy prospects for the future.

  3. That Republicans have had old candidates before doesn't erase that Democrats have a neglected bench and need to nurture up more young talent.

    1. Neither party has a deep bench of young ELECTABLE candidates. Cruz, Walker and Paul, while closer to being "young" will never see the nomination.

      Dems have neglected to nurture local and state candidates who can move into the leadership of the party. Some exceptions include the brothers from Texas (One is mayor and one a congressman iirc).
