Friday, December 19, 2008

History lesson I: Clinton's Impeachemnt

Turns out Clinton's impeachment was a huge victory for the Freepers!

aMorePerfectUnion treats this like a holiday:

I took today off to celebrate Clinton Impeachment Day!

I’m at home in my
slippers and recliner. What a great country!

What a great country indeed.

what's up strikes a somber note:
And now the wife of an impeached President (who takes money from the Middle East for his Presidential Library) is poised to become Sec. Of State. Oh joy.

Shemp H. warns Freepers to never forget their bizarre version of history:
Let us never forget this day in history. Historical revisionism will certainly try massive spin to minimize this stain on our history. In fact, it has already begun.
Happy 10th anniversary of the impeachment of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton IV!

Blythe Clinton IV? Anyone know that this refers to?

Eagle50AE blames the MSM for no one that isn't crazy agreeing with this idea:
waiting patiently for the CommieMSM to reference this glorious day in history...
? ? Hello ? Hello ? Karl! Joe! Shep!

unkus skillfully uses talking points to bring us all back to that day:
Bill Clinton, the president who, among other dispicable things, made it possible for 13 year olds to ask what oral sex was. What a guy.

What a guy. What a country. What a conservative triumph!

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