Thursday, September 3, 2009

Et tu, Levi?

Levi Johnston, father of Bristol Palin's baby, has a new book out. He's been making the TV circuit, telling some pretty incredible stories about Sarah. Personally, I don't buy it. Palin called her son "the retarded child?" even as a joke? Palin is a lazy couch potato? He's lying to cash in.

But Freepers loved him once. And if there is anything Freepers hate more than successful liberals, it's traitors to the cause. Add in that this is an attack on Their Palin's extra crazy in there:

Arthur McGowan has decided Levi has a little bit of everything evil in him:

I’m beginning to suspect that he wanted Bristol to get an abortion—perhaps without telling her parents.

He really seems to be a on a Jihad.

Plus, there’s that dragging a $100 bill thing.

Wow, pro-choice, Muslim-esque AND trailer trash?

july4thfreedomfoundation is pretty sure he must be gay, as all evil men are. He's also some unspecified criminal:

When Levi winds up in prison in the near future after his self-destruction, he will have plenty of opportunities to have gay sex.

Concho solves the unspecified part, hoping he gets set up on a phony drug charge:

Drop a bag on him, then drop a dime on him. Send him away.

growingpains prefers to abuse the legal system to get his revenge:

Now that Sarah is a private citizen, she should line up the lawyers and hit him with lawsuit after lawsuit that his financial future is wrecked and he wish he were dead.

Proud_USA_Republican doesn't want jail or financial ruin, just physical ruin:

If I was the “First Dude”, I would find that no-class POS and beat him to an inch of his life, even if he was the biological father of one of my grandchildren.


  1. To be fair, everybody hates traitors to the cause. Kossacks, TPers and other liberals would be just as hard on someone who badmouthed a beloved liberal icon they once loved. So Freepers are hardly doing anything out of the mainstream here. Unfortunate but true.

  2. True, though that does not make it any less despicable then someone wants to pin drug charges on the guy.

    Inevitable, perhaps. But still troubling.
