Or maybe he's here to enslave us all!
Dick Bachert is pretty excited:
Sunstein must be next. This is one DANGEROUS — probably certifiable — dude!!!
freedumb2003 is also feeling pretty empowered, by proxy:
Time to release The Beck!
RipSawyer has an interesting idea for agency rulemaking. I call it the "biker bar" test.
Sunstein is stark raving mad. In my youth people who raved as he does were locked up for their own protection. He is obviously educated for no good reason and educated beyond his intelligence. He needs to go into a biker bar and start spouting his garbage about rats having the same rights as people.
Yeah, animal standing is not the same as giving them full rights. It's a legal procedural thing that would allow more prosecution for animal rights abuses. And head of OIRA can't actually make regulations, despite some dubbing it 'Ragulatory Czar.'
muawiyah, always a laugh in abortion threads, sees this as some kind of elaborate ruse by Obama:
Cass Sunstein's history is that of a sometimes lucid clown. Just a matter of weeks and he'll be off his meds advocating sex with animals or something and Obama can show his "respect for the public" by tossing him under the buss.That's what pukes like this are for ~ to get fired to make the boss look good.
bitt is gonna get active.
Time to make calls to the adoring Senators to smack them over the head with this treacherous commie manifesto.
That word, 'manifesto,' I'm not sure it means what you think it means...
rdmLvr sounds like a real peach:
Look at that dork. He should be rejected just on the gounds of his dorkiness, let alone his ideas.
This Salon piece is worth a read if you want to "understand" Beck et al:
Vern Rutter, Tahuya, WA