Thursday, July 21, 2011

Alan West: A Freeper kind of dick.

After writing an insulting and dickish e-mail yelling at the Democratic party chairwoman, Rep. Allen West wrote to is constituents, "“I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”

Maybe not good national politics, but it sure got Freepers super excited!

sten knows being a dick is a sign of integrity:

Men of integrity do not mix well with those lacking basic moral fiber

AmericanInTokyo thinks this dickery is all a plan!

He has been trained.
He is freaking them out.
With mere words.
They are going for it, hook, line and sinker.
He sees it.
I see it.
Well done, Lt. Col. Allen West. Keep it up, freak them out.

RatRipper wants West to take the next step - a swing at Obama!

Atta boy, Col. West . . . invite Zer0 outside for a little chat!!!! I would pay good money to see that!!!

So would I. The political falout would be awesome. The Freepgasm, however, would probably be sadly predicable.

cableguymn thinks insulting much of the electorate is without consequence:

like that part of the electorate would vote for him anyways.
After damn hear 3 years of Obamas
crap and they still support him there is NO FRICKING WAY you can change their mind.
I have all but cut off communication with family (FAMILY) that has Zero stickers on their car. It’s sad, but they are a lost cause and part of the problem.

Major Matt Mason has decided to secede from reality.

We have a winner. My President.

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