Thursday, July 14, 2011

Groud zero mosque

A suit to prevent the ground zero mosque from being built has failed. Freepers have been percolating crazy about the mosque for years, and now let a bit of it out:

knows pork is basically kryptonite for Muslims

Looks like a job for Baco-Bits.

A few sprinkled here and there at the site. Maybe some lard from your BBQ after broiling some rax of pork rib.

Maybe an accident with a pig manure truck.

Drill Thrawl agrees:

When pulling wire through conduit, electricians often use Slime or some home made concoction to allow the wires to easily pass through. The IBEW needs to make bacon fat a standard use item.

Candor7 has faith in the professionalism of the NY Fire department:
"New York State Supreme Justice Paul Feinman [who is Jewish] (my emphasis added) dismissed a lawsuit by former firefighter Timothy Brown..." I will never understand the mentality of Jewish liberals.
savagesusie goes with the Nazi reference:

The same people in the legal system who sold their soul and turned their back on the principles of the Constitution and Rule of Law. The people who have no belief in God—just a belief in the almighty dollar and absolutely no common sense.

Would we allow the Nazi’s to build a gas oven in NYC during WWII? No.....not even AFTER WWII, until now. And it is a Jew that is allowing this monstrosity which declares that he is an ape and should be killed. Mosques should be banned because they are antithetical to the Constitution.


  1. Yes, freedom of religion is definitely antithetical to the Constitution. It's not like it's written into the First Amendment or anything.

  2. @euphgeek: Well, according to Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association, the First Amendment's protections only apply to Protestant Christians. lol

  3. Yeah, that reminds me of how I thought when I was five. I guess some people just never grow out of it.

  4. For some more lighthearted sort of fun, I'd recommend going through the threads about light bulbs. They are sublimely hilarious as some Freepers get worked up into a frenzy over light bulbs.

    I say lighthearted, but then it's kind of scary to think that some people are getting so worked up over light bulbs.

  5. Yeah, we are due to check out another lightbulb thread.

    My favorite part about them is when Freepers talk about how they have all incandescent and leave the lights on just to stck it to Obama/Al Gore.

    Because a high electric bill is worth it if it's for spite.
