Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time Person of the year still not Freepers

Another year, another Time Person of the Year. In this case, it was "The Protestor," highlighting the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement. Freepers hater all three of these things, so they get a bit exercised:

rightwingintelligentsia knows protests lead to Sharia law!

Which will lead to:

2012: Year of the Muslim Brotherhood

Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid! is pissed how some think the OWS are something other than evil.
The MSM and Baba Wawa have CONvinced regular don’t pay attention sheeple that the occupiers are good people how sad.
treetopsandroofs seems a bit confused.
SEIU-organized protests overthrew America-friendly dictators.

There, fixed it for the anti-American media machine.
Was the SEIU in Egypt?

Le Chien Rouge is pissed at all the huge protests that haven't been mentioned:

Protesters NOT considered by Time:

1) Pro Life Protesters

2) PRO 2nd Amendment Protesters

3) Inner City Protesters of DC protesting the removal of the school vouchers program

4) Supporters of the Fair Tax

5) Those protesting against a mosque near the former twin towers

6) Anyone protesting outside the EPA

7) Christians protesting against gay marriage

8) ANYONE praying on the US Capitol grounds

9) Those protesting against the IRS

10) ANYONE protesting against Obama

All protesters are equal although some are more equal than others.

yeah, those guys were huge news stories this year!


Today’s protesters are unsanitary parasites in the United States and terrorists or their sympathizers and enablers in the Arab world, and Time is celebrating that? Pathetic. I don’t see any reason to read Time. Ever.

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