Monday, April 23, 2012

Warren Buffett says he has early prostate cancer

FresnoGrifter returns!

Warren Buffet is rich, influential and liberal. Plus Obama is using his name to push some pretty successful economic populism.

Now he apparently has stage one prostate cancer. Freepers show what kind of Christians they are:

GrandJediMasterYoda takes great satisfaction:

Amazing how fast Karma works.

MadMax, the Grinning Reaper wants all people he disagrees with to die:

He is a leftwing sellout so “America would be better off without him”.
I’m getting too old to put up with fools and traitors, both of whom are destroying our country by stupidity and by design.
The result is the same for screw them.

lewislynn also won't allow that there are humans involved when politics is on the line!

This crap about wishing someone well who wants to bring you harm is pure lunacy.
We need to be rid of them by whatever means it happens...If it's cancer, so be it.
What's that German word?...Schadenfreude?
scooby321 is super pissed at how Buffett acts like a rich person:

I pray for his I think recovery from the cancer.
But I I think its a teachable moment for the country.
Warren Buffett is a hypocrite. He has named his son Howard as his replacement. ( as he pushes other people to sell their business to pay death). Warren will gave Bill Gates his stock for the Gates Foundation, cheating the tax system and being able to control Bershire from the grave and not pay a dime in death taxes.
Yeah, that donating your estate to charity loophole is awful!

Seaplaner leverages his willful blindness and projection into insufferable smugness:

Buffet is a left-wing sell-out of America and American Values, and little more than a human fungus.
That said, I wish him a full recovery.
(We conservatives are just better people than they are, eh?)

1 comment:

  1. And they whine when one of "theirs" gets sick or dies and people wish that person ill.
