Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Potpourri

Old Yeller makes the inevitable comparison.
If this is Ebola, the worrisome part is he came in off the streets.

So did Baraq O'Bola, and look at the damage he did.
GrandJediMasterYoda knows Obama is laughing about Ebola ravaging America.
Isn't it greatly comforting to know that the Kenyan twit is not only telling foreigners to storm the borders but actually flying them all over the country as well while this modern day version of the plague is starting to spread? Well I shouldn't call it the "plague". Bubonic plague is curable. Ebola is not which I'm sure sends the Kenyan into hysterics.

"And and...then I told them to bring the Ebola patient to Atlanta then "accidentally" have him kiss people in the street! Bwa ha ha ha ha!"
sten knows the media is also pro-Ebola.
those that control the media would like nothing more then to see a plague loosed on this country

bet on it
Sacajaweau is an Ebola truther:
The docs who "created" the serum are connected to a woman who had a private audience with Pope Obama...and said his girls could work in her lab.

So now you know why these guinea pigs were brought to the USA. They'll dissect the hell out of those two if they don't make it.

Google Larry Zeitlin. It's a Med article. She is connected....and they're all getting bucks.
LongWayHome remembers when America used to respect itself.
it’s been declared that it’s more important that America become “the flop-house” for the third world than an actual nation. People under 35 have no idea there was once a self-respecting nation here instead of what we have become.
dforest has decided Nancy Pelosi should be institutionalized.
Nancy is certifiably insane. She should be removed. I am serious about this.

Lately she is exhibiting some truly frightening behavior.

Lefties are all nuts, but too many years of leftism turns them into rabid animals. Eyes bugging out, facial tics, stuttering. Just awful.
GrandJediMasterYoda has diagnosed Pelosi from afar:
Oh absolutely, she is definitely a cocaine user. My niece is a drug counselor and told me years ago that Pelosi consistently displays all the symptoms of cocaine abuse. The numb nose, the licking of the chops, the hand flapping, the bugged out eyes. Real nice isn't it? Any other government worker has to pee in a cup but not members of Congress whose decisions affect millions of lives.
Bratch jokes about the Kent State Massacre.
So the Ohio National Guard was correct all along. Who knew? 

Protect the Bill of Rights on the rampant blackmail that's keeping Freeper policies from being universally adopted.
What computers did the CIA NOT hack into?

It is not a question which will be answered or even asked by the GOP members of the House, Senate and SCOTUS who have bowed to the will of Obama, aka Hackees.

The Chicago Way.
WorkerbeeCitizen is gonna break all the laws about gay marriage!
I refuse to comply - marriage is already defined as one man and one woman - any other combo is not marriage .

In fact, I refuse to comply with any regulation, law or whim this administration has decreed - insert raspberry here
Rides_A_Red_Horse explains that there is no such thing as a right wing dictatorship:
The best we can hope for is a right wing dictatorship

There’s no such thing.

The “Right Wing” is Conservative. Conservatives favor free markets and individual governence and personal liberty.

Communists and NAZIs are both Left Wing Collectivists. The Communists agitate via class-strife while the NAZIs agitate via racial-strife.
All the Freepers calling for military coup and executions of liberals? Secret liberals.

You know, like Objective Scrutator:
Argentina needs its own Augusto Pinochet. Socialists can not be adequately be dealt with by democratic means.
MuttTheHoople wants a Congressman to literally fight Nancy Pelosi.
It's time to turn around, get in her face, and push her and her other Progladyke friends back.

If they think they can bully us, it'll be like another Democrat who caned a Republican before the Civil War.
Elsie is rolling word police:
Family Forced to Watch Border Patrol Agent Brutally Murdered By Two Illegal Immigrants

STOP using the language of the LEFT!

They are Border Invaders!!!
The Public Eye has stopped rationalizing, and just hates Obama.
I used to try to figure out what Obama is. Is he a Marxist? Socialist? Toady? But I gave up on that. He’s just filled with hate and rage and doesn’t have to be for anything. I can’t remember if he’s ever said what he liked or was for.
tallyhoe has Freeper faith:
I don’t think I know he hates America!!!
Diogenesis lists so many completely untrue things...
The EXEMPT Congress and the Indonesian Caliph-by-Fraud have declared WAR on the American people.

1. ObamaCARE with only the EXEMPT and Moslems free

2. Arming al Qaeda for Islam

3. Leaving the borders open for Islam and narcoterrorists

4. Moving incurable diseases to all 50 (not 57) states

5. Demanding Quartering of terrorists and criminals

6. Removing Law and sending criminals against the People

7. Using IRS and NSA to attack Americans.


  1. There was a truther wave on AIDS once, long ago. It was made by Erich Honecker and Saddam Husein to get rid of all the black people.

    Fiction is stranger than truth sometimes.

  2. Ahh, yes. The dreaded unarmed and sick invader. Who needs armies anyway when invading is so easy.

  3. I caught that yesterday.
    I wrestled with mentioning it here (and perhaps alerting the FR harpy lurkers), and letting Olivia continue under the radar for our continuing entertainment.

    As for Freepers and Poe's Law ...
    SavageSusie, Patriot08, LittleJeremiah, wintertime come to mind for starters, but almost every freeper goes Poe on occasion.

  4. Lol. Saw this in the Robin Williams thread. Definitely one of my favorite over-generalizations from FR!
