Thursday, August 21, 2014

Promoting the Islamic State

The Islamic State is basically everything Freepers think all of Islam is, so naturally they have decided they speak for all Islam.

Obama tries to say otherwise, and Freepers insist that IS is super important.

tet68 finds Obama left out a very significant adjective when eulogizing the reporter IS killed.
Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother, and a friend.

Hey you jackwagon, how about, “HE WAS AN AMERICAN!”.
I want the USA back - either stop caring about collateral damage or you love Islam!
Nice talk, but will he wipe IS, taliban, alquaeda, hamas, boko haram and hezbollah from the face of the earth?
Rome2000 - Muzzie Pope?
Obama: ‘ISIL Speaks for No Religion,’

They are the muzzie army and their leader is the muzzie Pope.

What the hell is he talking about?
mrsmel explains how Obama's infinite vacations are to keep his tolerance from turning America off the Democratic party.
After Hussein, they need to get another tool in the White House, they can’t give up now when they’ve “accomplished” so much in such a short time-who would have ever believed, just 6 years ago, that America would be on the fast track to socialized “healthcare”?. So they still need to keep his true face under wraps.

It’s hard to have to allow him to go out there and make “statements” at a time like this when he might give the game away thanks to his own intrinsic lack of fortitude and perseverance-every goal he has ever attained in life, was given to him by some entity which saw potential usefulness up the road, not through his own effort. So they allow him to spend all the time on the links he likes, even though it doesn’t look to good, because the potential alternative is even worse for their chances in the upcoming White House run-Hussein giving the game away through peevishness, lack of fortitude, etc.
Peevishness and lack of fortitude?

Diogenesis can be counted on the draw the most amazing conclusions:
Obama defends IS and Islam.

In fact, this suggests that IS and Obama contacted each
other previously, beyond Syria.
When did Obama learn IS was about to behead the journalist?
Two months before? or more?
Sarah Barracuda is yet another Freeper super angry at Obama's vacations.
PzFeed Top News ‏@PzFeed 1m Priorities: Obama is back to golfing at the Vineyard Golf Club after delivering statement on Foley's murder Obama truly is a cold hearted if this were about that criminal THUG Michael Brown he would have talked for an hour, but since this is in regards to ISIS, who he SUPPORTS by the way and the journalist who was beheaded was white, hey its no big deal we already know how Obama feels about Americans and white people
jsanders2001 wants Obama to know that Freepers are on to him!
iSIL is ALL about their religion of pieces. Seems I remember a certain Senator lying through his teeth about being Christian in 2007 and 2008. Later his own pastor said he was not one to attend church.

Anyone can wear someone else’s name tag especially in liberal lielieland. We’ve heard this one before ISIL.

Sorry but your commander-in-chief screwed up your infiltration big time by being incompetent and evil as they come. We know the plague you bring. The idiots inviting you here know NOTHING about who or what you stand for and what your true agenda is. We call them Low Information Voters for a reason
Vermont Lt clearly understands the Koran.
IS is behaving EXACTLY how the Koran tells you to act.

You invade. You kill as many infidels as possible. If there are any left after surrender, the Christians and Jews (people of “The Book”) are given the choice of conversion or pay the tax.

Those that don’t are either expelled, or killed.

A small force can control a large area under those rules.
Uh-oh, jsanders2001 is getting ready!!
It’s time to gear up. Can’t say much beyond that because of the DemonRats that spy here on this board and report back to their Satan led lieutenants...
hal ogen has studied Youtube for it's truths.
If only Clown Prince nobama could read or watch UTube, at least. The ISIS degenerates are moozlums to the core...true moozlums. They say so.


  1. lol, so apparently IS is not super important. Not even when their beheading American journalists, or become the richest terrorist organization, or ride columns of American tanks. Nope nothing serious there.

    1. Yep, I totally said IS is unimportant!

      Reading while partisan can be hard.

  2. Freepers claim to avoid Facebook and Twitter. They might accidentally hear a contradictory idea, which they can't handle. Explains why they pay a guy to host a website fulla stories they already agree with before they read them.

  3. The leader of ISIL has declared himself to be the Caliph - a title which would in fact make him analogous to the Pope, as spiritual head of the world's Muslims.

    However, Muslims not fighting for ISIL have generally rejected his claims.

    1. I'm far from an expert, but I thought Caliph was a secular position in a theocratic Islamic state.

      Ya still have your Imams as your religious authority.

      Though I'll admit I could be totally wrong about that - none of the Muslims I know are Sharia experts.
