Thursday, March 12, 2015

47 Traitors

In an amusing turn of events, some on the left are using Freepers' constant accusations of treason against them. Most of the Senate Republicans, led be Tom Cotton, wrote to Iran to tell them not to listen to Obama, because he can't make treaties. It was too brazenly spiteful and unproductive, and has blown up in their face.

Now, on the White House petition site, a petition to charge those Senators with treason. (PJ media's breathless reporting - "The federal government is now the enemy of the good people of the United States.").
It's hogwash, but it's Freeper-type hogwash. And too see their shock and horror at their own medicine is quite delicious.

Michael van der Galien is convinced these 100,000 petition signers were super serious, and stand for all liberals
Funny how liberals quickly turn into fascists once they're in power.
jsanders2001 is looking forwards to the coming economic collapse:
One day many of these idiots will think back and say OMG what was I thinking as they are homeless and sifting through trash trying to find something to eat
wardaddy hates good sportsmanship
Look how readily they use power when they have it

Whilst we kvetch over fairness
Gaffer knows this petition ain't nothing:
Theater, kabuki, mind Prozac for the idiot masses. Obama doesn’t give a crap about what any American thinks. Why should he? His national loyalties lie elsewhere.
ButGaffer will shoot any of the signers:
They’re gonna be in the first wave of zombies.....easy to spot, easy to _____________ (fill in the blank)
sickoflibs has a moment of self awareness:
Yawn, no one will take this seriously,
its like some groups calling for impeachment when Obama gets on TV and lies to public.

Its the standard outrage act with imagination that its doing something.
FlingWingFlyer knows not to throw around treason so lightly - unless it's at Obama!
These retarded, liberal weasels obviously have no clue about how the U.S. government works. Too much “college” programming I guess. It’s their Kenyan goat herder who is violating the U.S. Constitution.
peyton randolph kinda hopes Obama would finally act like a fascist already!
This would probably be the only thing that would ever move Congress to impeach the POSOTUS.
M Kehoe fails to distinguis between meeting with and sending a letter calling the President powerless:
Let's see...

Ted Kennedy - Soviet Union, John F'n Kerry - N. Vietnam, Jim McDermott - Iraq, Nancy Pelosi - Syria,...I could go on and on, but won't now.
anoldafvet thinks the Logan Act is unconstitutional, now that it could apply to Republicans:
The Logan Act takes precedence over the Constitution?
grumpygresh is also hoping Obama will become the dictator everyone knows he secretly is:
Maybe a fascistic over-reach to prosecute senators will wake up the GOP leadership from their coma! It’s time that these people stand up to tyranny.
Hell, grumpygresh is convinced liberals are gonna imprison all the Republicans any day now!
The scumbag leadership of the GOP doesn’t realize that they will end up in prison at the hands or the totalitarian Leftists sooner than later. They will not be spared because of their complicity.

There is no honor among thieves.
Liz just goes off into some crazy analogy that boils down to DEMOCRATS BAD:
These creepy Obamatons remind me of the Oregon political/religious cult.

The cockeyed cultists worshipped a kook named “Bhagwan Rajneesh”-—some kind of Islamic sect leader-—who drove around in a militarized Rolls Royce.

So obsessed w/ power that the cultists engaged in germ warfare to keep residents from voting so that they could control the legislative body.

The actually sprayed salmonella all over town-—and contaminated food in local restaurants to keep the vote down.

“Bhagwan Obama” musta read the tale to his followers.
kidd thinks this is all a coverup for Hillary:
I suspect that a strawman is being established.

It’s a little bizarre, but given the timing and bizarre nature of recent events, the following is possible:

It is likely that Hillary Clinton’s sever was hacked, or she transferred sensitive information through personal emails.

Thus, if we claim that her purposeful use of personal emails was an act of treason, then the left can trot out this example, and the MSM now has its equivalency angle to make Hillary’s problems go away. Some of the sheeple buy this kind of reasoning (everybody does it)
The beauty is that by Freeper standards, there's always a liberal scandal the latest GOP scandal is covering up!

Evil Slayer has a rather over the top reaction:
It's time to bring up the subject of the unauthorized citizen sitting in the oval office again. He should be null and void. Tried for treason. All executive orders including all actions taken while in office nullified. That includes his gestapo cronies surrounding him as well.
PATRIOT1876 goes with a Hitler analogy:
It’s sort of like going after Churchill because he littered in Germany one time, but letting Hitler go for all of his offenses.


  1. Just like certain loudmouths of the religious right ruin Christianity by making it look like a religion for assholes (it isn't, by the way) ...
    these republicans and tea-partiers are ruining the Republican Party (and Republican presidential prospects in 2016) by making it look like a political party for assholes (it IS, by the way).

  2. The Sec of State builds an email system explicitly meant to hide information/discussions with other nations from public view. That’s ‘ok’.

    Where do you suppose Colin Powell's and Condoleezza Rice's emails are? Oh, who am I kidding.

  3. Or when Kerry met the Viet Cong in France.

    Or when Carter met with Hamas.

    We could play all day.

    Or when Reagan sold arms to Iran to fund an illegal war in Central America and forgot he did it. Yes, we certainly could play all day! By all means, let's keep bringing up the past. It's high time we did.
