Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ze debate

I didn't watch the debate this time. And my sources let me down - all the conservative radio (except for Trump cheerleaders Rush and Levin) were in full Fiorina hagiography mode. Like, not even allowing callers through that didn't gush for Carly. Makes ya wonder.

We'll see how things shake out. In the meantime, Freepers are in two camps: either this was another Trump masterstroke, or Trump had the worst debate ever. Other candidates need apply only for abuse.

Georgia Girl 2 does not trust experts, only online snap polls!
My group included pundits, an historian, a pollster, and political consultants

That’s why they are wrong and didn’t see what the rest of the world saw. They must not understand the Time and Drudge polls. :-)
madison10 is such a conservative, he doesn't even like the Reagan library!
Fiorina & Christie? You are kidding me! I didn’t watch. Why bother?

When they have the debates on the campus of Hillsdale College maybe I will tune in.
phs3 hits the Trump victimization narrative hard:
My 11year old son.
Dad, why are they ganging up on Trump?
If he sees it then the rest of the world does too. Do they really think that last nights BS was going to go in the GOPe's favor. These insiders are about as smart as a bag of hammers.
Jeff Chandler knows attacking the media is always a good move, though few Freepers bother to follow him.
Instead of debating the issues, Tapper played "Let's you and him fight" all evening. Over and over it was "He said this. How do you feel about it?" Chasing that YouTube moment.
Milton Miteybad notices the other candidates, but only to better hate on Trump.
At any rate...The Donald was overshadowed by several of his competitors last night, including Christie, Rubio and Fiorina. And he somehow managed to make Jeb look animated and interesting.

If that happens to you in a televised're having a bad night.
elcid1970 is the only, anemic Trump cheerleader:
And through it all, Ted Cruz stayed under the radar & did not join in all the CNN-inspired “Let’s you and him fight” madness .

Cruz observes the 11th Commandment & it will pay him dividends in the long run.

CRUZ or lose!
Georgia Girl 2 is drinking deep of the Trump triumphalism:
Prepare for disappointment as Trumps only problem is sewing up the GOP nomination. His appeal crosses party lines and demographics. He will win a general election in a landslide. I hope you are not suicidal because you are in for a shock. LOL!
Rona Badger joins the growing consensus that words no longer matter in politics, only big Trumpy Deeds:
I have to say when the pols launch into their resumes, “I saved 1.6 million, I created 650,000, I removed, I cut, I lowered...” during these debates it is simply gloss over time.
No one listens or understands and my reaction is if you did all that and it’s so impressive, why is the country or your state still riddled with problems?

Here is the crux of why Trump is far in the lead. We can see what he’s accomplished. Out of hundreds of successful deals, he had four big failures. For most entrepreneurs that’s a great percentage. He is a “doer” with true measurable results and I know he will get that wall built and Mexico will pay for it.
LibsRJerks's loyalty is a little shaken, but he finds he just HATES Fiorina's face:
I don’t think he fared as well either .....

But I’m still voting for him, 100 percent. He’s the only one who seems REAL.

The others, while smart and polished for sure, just continue to come off as the politician.

Fiorina made me cringe ... So bitter and angry. She’s humorless ... here we have a woman who was a huge failure, yet here we go with the idolizations of her .... A lot like loser Hillary .... Women who are failures for the most part, yet get propped up because they talk bitchy. I don’t get it.
Enterprise kinda backhandedly calls Fiorina a wimp:
The media doesn’t do female candidates favors by siding with them when a male is not respectful. It makes the female look like a little tattle tale at elementary school, crying to the teacher because a boy said something mean to her.
hoosiermama joins in:
Because of the comment I was fixed on Carly’s face. Not one smile. She appears a very angry uptight woman If that was Trumps purpose : to make us aware of her face. He’s a geeeeenius
The Iceman Cometh too:
3 hours of smug, stink eye from Fiorina.
freepertoo nearly pulls the Hillary 'mother in law' comment:
She reminds me of every bad, overbearing, cruel female boss I’ve ever worked for.


  1. Ozy - see if you can find a clip - Chris Christie (of all people!) had the single best line of the night. He told Trump and Fiorina to shut up about their careers when they started getting into a pissing match.

    Trump did pretty well in my book though. He shut the fuck up for over half an hour. Of course, that part of the debate was on actual policy ....

  2. Reading between the lines, seems to me freepers are indirectly acknowledging Fiorina's success in the debate, especially to Trump's detriment ... and they are MAD about it, ha ha.

    Really though, if Trump's support falls by even a couple percent in the next few polls, the rest of the field will be re-energized.

    1. I wonder if it ever occurs to them that in terms of opinion polls Trump probably gathers significant support from tactically minded Democrats. This blog is a microcosm of that: I'm sure quite a few of us here want to see Donald in the general - so we can revel in the screams of FR pain when he gets trounced and ushers in another 4 years of Democrat Presidency.

  3. Allow me to make a few Trump or Palin comparisons here to Carly Fiorina -- bearing in mind that I am no fan of Carly Fiorina.

    here we have a woman who was a huge failure, yet here we go with the idolizations of her ... Women who are failures for the most part, yet get propped up because they talk bitchy. I don’t get it.

    Neither do I. Yet Sarah Palin continues to have a cult, even if they no longer care whether she runs for office.

    The media doesn’t do female candidates favors by siding with them when a male is not respectful.

    How many countless hours have Freepers spent sticking up for Sarah Palin and her family because of her "unfair" treatment for things like being quoted for what she said on camera and for things she and her family, like, actually did?

    She reminds me of every bad, overbearing, cruel female boss I’ve ever worked for.

    And Donald Trump as a boss is, what -- a social worker, or something?
