Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Release KSM!

Freepers hate Obama so much they want KSM to be let free.

has already tried KSM in the court of Freeper opinion - and he was found not guilty:

If our laws mean anything, they cannot convict. Holder is an incompetant political hack. This is going to explode in his face.

nikos1121 has him some priorities:

I’d say... yes...the case should be dismissed...

Set him free.... Let him go...

I’m all for it...

If we are going to put up with this farce... let’s reverse the farce....and support these @ssholes getting released...

Let Obama and company deal with it...


The Pres_dent of the United States of Amerika has already stated that KSM will be found guilty, that he will be convicted. How can anyone expect this farce to work out any other way than an acquittal?

The trial has been intentionally tainted from the outset.

That Obama is such a mastermind!

The primary stated reason that these guys were put in Gitmo was to assure they they would not be able to use the US Civil system. Now that they are coming here, the absoluteness of OUR protections before the law may well be eroded, because "exceptions" will need to be made in order to convict. So the "Civil Libertarians" are literally weakening our guarantees as citizens.

All because Obama and Holder have low self-esteem when they think of their country and want the world to like them better. Sick.
okie01 agrees, and adds a dash of victimization paranoia:
So the "Civil Libertarians" are literally weakening our guarantees as citizens.

Confident, of course, that it will never affect them.

Only those low-brow ignorant conservatives...


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